4 Results for the search " CP":
line modification by script (CP multiphase)
This function changes lenght of CP-multiphase line called "lineName" to the desired length.
Tag(s): CP line, script, length, multiphase
Fault on a line
This model is a faulty line. The distance of the fault from the origin is a parameter. CP or PI models are used on each side of the fault according to the time step. If the time step is small enough t... see moreo simulate the propagation in the line with at least 10 time steps, CP is used, else it is PI.
Content of the webinar studies from A to Z on TRV
Designs built or presented during the webinar of the series Studies from A to Z on Transient Recovery Voltage
Models built:
- Rating TRV envelop (IEC 62271-100 / C37.010 - 2011)
- CP / ... see moreFD lines
- Thevenin equivalent of a network
Tag(s): TRV, Transient recovery voltage, short-line fault, terminal fault, substation, 62271, 37.011, lines, switching, thevenin
The following example demonstrates the coupling effect between 3 adjacent transmission lines.
The case study consists of the implementation of a third transmission line next to two existing... see more lines. The data of the geometrical configuration are entered in the DATA LINE module and are stored in the "line_couplin_CP.lin". The generated model was obtained using the CP option and are loaded to the CP m-phase module using the data included in the "line_coupling_CP_rv.csv" file. The results are very close to the measurements provided in "H.W. DOMMEL ET AL, CASE STUDIES FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC TRANSIENTS, P.1,1991".