5 Results for the search " EMTP simulations":
Fuel cell model
EMTP generic fuel cell model file that consists of:
o EMTP fuel cell model with all associated subcircuits
o EMTP simulations of fuel cell polarization and P-I curves
o EMTP models for ... see moreAVM and DM boost converter along with simulations of the implemented converter models and a fuel cell stack
PV module model
Photovoltaic module model file includes:
• EMTP photovoltaic module model documentation
• EMTP file that consists of:
o EMTP photovoltaic module model and its subcircuits
o EMT... see moreP perturb and observe algorithm implementation
o EMTP simulations of I-V and P-V curves of a PV module, perturb and observe algorithm validation and simulation of the implemented PV module model, boost converter and perturb and observe algorithm
Tag(s): perturb and observe, mppt, pv module
Proton exchange Membrane water electrolyzer
Proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer file includes:
• Proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer documentation
• EMTP file that consists of:
o EMTP model and its subcircuits... see more
o EMTP simulations of the implemented model: polarization and power curves, buck converter simulation and double-layer capacitance phenomenon simulation
Tag(s): hydrogen, fuel cell, proton exchange membrane, hydrogen storage
Transient recovery voltages in vacuum circuit breakers generated by the early-interruption of the inrush current of large motors
The switching of medium voltage electrical motors is typically realized by means of vacuum circuit breakers (VCBs) essentially in view of their elevated number of switching cycles. As known, switching... see more of VCBs generates important transient recovery voltages (TRVs)
that need to be properly evaluated in both VCB sizing and in the power system insulation coordination. As large medium voltage electrical motors are installed into plants typically controlled by means of Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems,
maneuvers that involve the motor inrush followed by its sudden de-energization (due, in general, to the intervention of an automatic diagnostic function), resulting into important TRVs, are not unusual. The paper aims at investigating the TRVs due to this specific type of
VCB switching by means of a model implemented in the EMTP-RV simulation environment. By making reference to a real plant, the validation of the implemented models is obtained by comparing the simulation results with some experimental transients provided by the plant data fault recorder. The paper finally discusses the adequacy of different countermeasures by analyzing their effectiveness for the TRVs limitation.
Authors: A. Borghetti, F. Napolitano, C.A. Nucci, M. Paolone, M. Sultan, N. Tripaldi
CIGRE - International Symposium “Assessing and Improving Power System Security, Reliability and Performance in Light of Changing Energy Sources” Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, April 3-6, 2011
Topic 3 – System technical performance
Subtopic 3.5 – Switching and lightning transient on power systems. Impact on performance and measurements
Tag(s): Transient recovery voltages, vacuum circuit breakers, motor inrush currents, EMTP simulations
Continuous-Wavelet Transform for Fault Location in Distribution Power Networks: Definition of Mother Wavelets Inferred From Fault Originated Transients
The paper presents a fault location procedure for distribution networks based on the wavelet analysis of the fault-generated traveling waves. In particular, the proposed procedure implements the conti... see morenuous wavelet analysis applied to the voltage waveforms recorded during the fault in correspondence of a network bus. In order to improve the wavelet analysis, an algorithm is proposed to build specific mother wavelets inferred from the fault-originated transient waveforms. The performance of the proposed algorithm are analyzed for the case of the IEEE 34-bus test distribution network and compared with those achieved by using the more traditional Morlet mother wavelet.
Authors: Alberto Borghetti, Senior Member, IEEE, Mauro Bosetti, Mauro Di Silvestro, Carlo Alberto Nucci, Fellow, IEEE, and Mario Paolone, Member, IEEE
Tag(s): Continuous wavelet transform, distribution network, EMTP simulations, fault location, mother wavelet, power quality.