6 Results for the search " electronics":
HVDC models
These models contain a 3-phase rectifier (AC/DC) and a 3-phase inverter (DC/AC).
The average model (AM) just contains a control circuit that is connected to several controlled sources.
... see more
The detailled model (DML) contains complete inverter and rectifier models and represents the semi-conductors.
Tag(s): Power electronics, inverter, rectifier, average, detailled
Electrical Vehicle charger
These example provide model of EV chargers and documentation
Tag(s): EV, charger, charging, station, power electronics
Micro-Grid library
Convenient library to study Micro-grid. Contain:
- a 3-phase inverted with dq0 control (PQ, PV, VF, droop)
- a battery model (Ideal, i-Ion, Lead-Acid, NiMH, NiCD)
- a PV park
- Win... see mored parks
- low pass filter
- on-off delays
- PI controller
If anything, please contact me: Henry - h.gras@powersys-solutions.com
Tag(s): Micro, grid, smart, inverter, dq0, battery, BMS, VSC, filter, delay, trigger, Wind, PV, photovoltaic, park, power, electronics
This case shows a three-phase full-bridge DC/AC inverter with PWM switching.
Reference: Power Electronics, Mohan, Undeland, Robbins - Ed Wiley - Chapter 8.
Tag(s): Power Electronics
This is a simple SVC model with a TCR branch and fixed capacitors.
This case is taken from the book of T.E. Miller entitled 'Reactive Power Control in Electric System.
Tag(s): Power Electronics