5 Results for the search " inverter":
HVDC models
These models contain a 3-phase rectifier (AC/DC) and a 3-phase inverter (DC/AC).
The average model (AM) just contains a control circuit that is connected to several controlled sources.
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The detailled model (DML) contains complete inverter and rectifier models and represents the semi-conductors.
Tag(s): Power electronics, inverter, rectifier, average, detailled
Active Harmonic Filter
The shunt filter injects the current that is defined as the error between the (non-linear) load current and the fundamental harmonic. The filter uses a 3-level inverter and the 2-level hysteresis curr... see moreent control.
Tag(s): filter, AHF, active filter
Micro-Grid library
Convenient library to study Micro-grid. Contain:
- a 3-phase inverted with dq0 control (PQ, PV, VF, droop)
- a battery model (Ideal, i-Ion, Lead-Acid, NiMH, NiCD)
- a PV park
- Win... see mored parks
- low pass filter
- on-off delays
- PI controller
If anything, please contact me: Henry - h.gras@powersys-solutions.com
Tag(s): Micro, grid, smart, inverter, dq0, battery, BMS, VSC, filter, delay, trigger, Wind, PV, photovoltaic, park, power, electronics
A Tool for Steady-State and Dynamic Analysis of PV Generation in Low Voltage Grids
Dennetière S., Mahseredjian J., Duvauchelle C., Tounsi B.
This paper describes a tool based on EMTP-RV that simulates the steady-state and the dynamic behavior of photovoltaic (PV)... see more units on a low voltage grid. The tool takes into account load and irradiance curves to evaluate the impact of PV units on the voltage profile along the grid as well as the dynamic behavior of PV inverters. This tool has already been used to analyze and explain undesired disconnections of PV units in an existing system.
This case shows a three-phase full-bridge DC/AC inverter with PWM switching.
Reference: Power Electronics, Mohan, Undeland, Robbins - Ed Wiley - Chapter 8.
Tag(s): Power Electronics