Keyword Index

Object: DWSignal

  • addLine - Add a visible line to this signal
  • allInstances - Gets a string array containing the instance locators for all possible physical instances of this object
  • attributeList - Gets or sets the attribute list (i.e. the collection of all attribute values) associated with this object.
  • bundle - Get the bundle that this signal is contained in, if any.
  • bundleSignals - Returns an list of the signals contained in this bundle
  • circuit - Gets the circuit containing this object. Read-only
  • connectByName - Connects another signal segment to this one by changing the other signal's name to match this one, making it visible if necessary, and disconnecting the other segment from others it may be attached to.
  • connectTo - Connects this signal to a specified pin or signal, including optionally adding visible lines. This will result in this signal being merged with the other signal.
  • emtpPhase - Get or set the phase of the signal, if any.
  • getAttribute - Gets an attribute value from this object
  • getAttributeVis - Gets the visibility of an attribute on this object
  • getEMTPPhases - Gets the number of phases for this signal.
  • instanceHierName - Gets or sets the selected physical instance of the circuit using its hierarchical name to identify it
  • instanceLocator - Gets or sets the selected physical instance of the circuit using its locator to identify it
  • isBundle - Returns true if this signal is a bundle.
  • isSelected - Gets or sets the "selected" status of the signal
  • lineColor - Gets or sets the line color for this signal.
  • lines - Returns an array of DWLineSegment objects representing all the lines connected to this signal
  • lineStyle - Gets or sets the line style for this signal.
  • lineWidth - Gets or sets the line width for this signal.
  • locator - Gets the locator string of the circuit
  • name - Gets the name of the signal
  • objType - Returns a string with the name of this object class "DWSignal".
  • pins - Returns an array of DWPin objects representing all the pins connected to this signal
  • readOnly - Returns true if the circuit containing this object is marked "read only". Note that this status primarily affects the user interface and does not prevent script methods from making changes to the circuit.
  • remove - Removes (deletes) the associated signal from its circuit.
  • rotateAttribute - Rotates the attribute text on the diagram
  • select - Sets the associated signal to be selected, as if the user had clicked on it.
  • setAttribute - Sets an attribute value in this object
  • setAttributeVis - Sets the visibility of an attribute value in this object
  • Method: addLine

    Add a visible line to this signal

    DWSignal addLine(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y);

    DWSignal addLine(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, hitCheck);

    Name Expected Type Description
    p1x integer X coordinate of first point of line
    p1y integer Y coordinate of first point of line
    hitCheck bool true to check for connections to other signals at both ends of the line. Defaults to false. WARNING: If this test results in connections to other signals, this signal may cease to exist, with unpredictable consequences if you make further references to thos object!
    p2y integer Y coordinate of second point of line
    p2x integer X coordinate of second point of line


    Returns the signal object remaining after the add line operation. If hitCheck is false, this will always be this object. If hitCheck is true and the add line results in a merge with another signal, this object may cease to exist and this method returns the new object.


    The order of points is of no consequence. All coordinates should normally be multiples of the standard grid spacing of 70 units.

    NOTE: If you use hitCheck == true, then you should always make sure that this object still exists if you plan to keep using it.

    Property: allInstances

    Gets a string array containing the instance locators for all possible physical instances of this object

    SPArray allInstances();

    Property: attributeList

    Gets or sets the attribute list (i.e. the collection of all attribute values) associated with this object.

    SPArray attributeList();

    attributeList = SPArray


    Returns or accepts an SPArray of DWAttribute objects

    Property: bundle

    Get the bundle that this signal is contained in, if any.

    DWSignal = bundle


    Returns a DWSignal object reprenting the bundle containing this signal, or null if the signal is not in a bundle.

    Method: bundleSignals

    Returns an list of the signals contained in this bundle

    SPArray = bundleSignals


    Returns NULL if this signal is not a bundle, otherwise returns an SPArray of SPSignal objects representing the signals in the bundle.

    Property: circuit

    Gets the circuit containing this object. Read-only

    DWCircuit circuit();

    Method: connectByName

    Connects another signal segment to this one by changing the other signal's name to match this one, making it visible if necessary, and disconnecting the other segment from others it may be attached to.

    void connectByName(pin);

    void connectByName(sig);

    Name Expected Type Description
    sig DWSignal Any other signal. IMPORTANT: If this target signal has multiple segments connected by name, this method will rename only one of them, and it cannot be reliably predicted which segment it will be as it depends on construction order and can change due to editing operations.
    pin DWPin Any device pin that is connected to the target signal segment. The pin itself is not significant, it is only used as a way of identifying the attached signal segment.


    Returns true if the connection was changed successfully, false otherwise.

    Method: connectTo

    Connects this signal to a specified pin or signal, including optionally adding visible lines. This will result in this signal being merged with the other signal.

    DWSignal = connectTo(pin);

    DWSignal = connectTo(pin, visible);

    DWSignal = connectTo(pin, xml);

    DWSignal = connectTo(signal);

    DWSignal = connectTo(signal, visible);

    DWSignal = connectTo(signal, xml);

    Name Expected Type Description
    signal DWSignal the signal to connect to.
    pin DWPin the pin to connect to.
    xml String An XML-format string providing more information on the connection. See below.
    visible bool true to add visible lines as needed to show the connection on the diagram.


    Returns a DWSignal object for the resulting signal (which may be this one) if the connection succeeded, null if not. This can fail if the source and destination are not compatible (e.g. are in different busses) or if visible is specified and the pins are not on the same page.


    If visible is not specified, the source and destination will be logically connected (i.e. for simulation and netlisting purposes) but will not appear connected on the diagram. This may be more efficient for example if creating a circuit only for internal use and not for future editing.

    IMPORTANT: This operation may result in this signal ceasing to exist after this operation! If you intend to keep accessing this signal for future operations, then replace it with the returned value from this method.

    XML Connection Information

    This method accepts an optional XML-format string which provides more detailed connection instruction. This string may specify the graphical routing information, new name for the completed signal, and, in the case of bundles, specific internal connections to make in the internal pins or signals of the bundle.

    The following example illustrates connecting two bundle signals:

     <ConnInfo newName="newBundle">
      <Point x="140" y="700"/>
      <Point x="140" y="560"/>
      <Point x="840" y="560"/>
      <Conn srcName="a" dstName="x" newName="ctrlA"/>
      <Conn srcName="b" dstName="y" newName="ctrlB"/>

    The keywords used in the string are described in the following table:

    ConnInfoA required outmost form containg the collection info. May have an optional attribute newName which specifies a signal name to be applied to the connected signals after all other connections are applied
    SegPathA collection of points representing the graphical line routing for the connection
    PointA single point in the SegPath routing info. Must have attributes x and y specified, which must be integer values aligned with the internal grdi (i.e. multiples of 70)
    ConnsA collection of connection items specifying bundle internal connections. Ignored for non-bundle connections
    ConnAn item specifying a single bundle internal connection. Has three attributes: srcName specifies the item in the source. If the source is a bundle signal, this is a signal name, if the source is a bundle pin, this is a pin name; dstName is the corresponding information in the destination. newName is an optional signal name to be applied to the joined internal signal.

    Property: emtpPhase

    Get or set the phase of the signal, if any.

    String = emtpPhase

    emtpPhase = String


    Returns a string which may be one of "0", "1", "3", "a", "b", "c".


    The values allowed when when setting the phase are slightly different than the possible values when getting an existing phase. The value can be one of the following.
    0 or 1Sets the line to "general" which will adapt to the attached devices, normally 1-phase for power pins
    3Set all the signal lines to 3-phase signal
    BSet the signal lines to be 3-phase bus
    aSets the signal to phase A
    bSets the signal to phase B
    cSets the signal to phase C
    Any setting that is invalid or can't be made because it would cause a line type conflict is ignored with no warnings.

    Method: getAttribute

    Gets an attribute value from this object

    String getAttribute(fieldName);

    Name Expected Type Description
    fieldName String The name of the field to retrieve


    Returns a string representing the value of the specified attribute field. This string will be empty (zero length) if the field does not exist.

    Method: getAttributeVis

    Gets the visibility of an attribute on this object

    bool getAttributeVis(fieldName);

    Name Expected Type Description
    fieldName String The name of the field to retrieve


    Returns true if the field is displayed on the schematic, false otherwise

    Method: getEMTPPhases

    Gets the number of phases for this signal.

    int getEMTPPhases();


    Returns 3 for a 3-phase signal, 1 for a 1-phase power signal, 0 for a non-power signal, -1 for an error or conflict (shouldn't normally occur).

    Property: instanceHierName

    Gets or sets the selected physical instance of the circuit using its hierarchical name to identify it

    String instanceHierName();

    instanceHierName = String


    The instance locator string identifies the currently selected unique physical instance of an object within a hierarchical circuit structure. Setting the instance locator does not change the locator of the definition object, it only selects one of the possible physical instances that can be represented by this definition. If the given instance locator is not valid for this definition, it is ignored. If it is valid and is different than the current selected instance and if the instance is in a displayed circuit, the display will be updated to reflect the change.

    Property: instanceLocator

    Gets or sets the selected physical instance of the circuit using its locator to identify it

    String instanceLocator();

    instanceLocator = String


    The instance locator string identifies the currently selected unique physical instance of this object within a hierarchical circuit structure. Setting the instance locator does not change the locator of the definition object, it only selects one of the possible physical instances that can be represented by this definition. If the given instance locator is not valid for this definition, it is ignored. If it is valid and is different than the current selected instance and if the instance is in a displayed circuit, the display will be updated to reflect the change.

    Property: isBundle

    Returns true if this signal is a bundle.

    bool = isBundle


    This property is read-only.

    Property: isSelected

    Gets or sets the "selected" status of the signal

    bool isSelected();

    isSelected = bool


    Setting this value to true is equivalent to calling select(false, false);

    Property: lineColor

    Gets or sets the line color for this signal.

    int lineColor();

    lineColor = int


    Returns an integer representing the signal color. Zero means no color (i.e. the default), 1 - 20 are the built-in system colors, any 32-bit number with the top bit set (0x80bbggrr) will be used as a 24-bit RGB color.

    Method: lines

    Returns an array of DWLineSegment objects representing all the lines connected to this signal

    SPArray lines();


    Returns an SPArray object containing a DWLineSegment object for each line associated with this signal


    WARNING: This array becomes invalid if any subsequent script commands causes elements to be added or destroyed. Not much checking is done for this and bad things could happen if you aren't careful!

    Property: lineStyle

    Gets or sets the line style for this signal.

    DWLineStyle lineStyle();

    lineStyle = DWLineStyle

    lineStyle = String


    Returns a DWLineStyle object or null if none is set on this signal


    If assigning a string value to this property, the string can be a style name or a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) which specifies a style. If a name is used, line style definitions in the design will be checked first, then other locally-defined or hardwired styles.

    Property: lineWidth

    Gets or sets the line width for this signal.

    int lineWidth();

    lineWidth = int


    Returns an integer representing the signal width. 1 means 1 pixel width at normal scale.

    Property: locator

    Gets the locator string of the circuit

    String locator();


    The locator string identifies an object within a hierarchical circuit structure and provides a unique way of identifying this object despite duplicate or non-existant names.

    Property: name

    Gets the name of the signal

    String name();


    This is a read-only property.

    Property: objType

    Returns a string with the name of this object class "DWSignal".

    String = objType

    Method: pins

    Returns an array of DWPin objects representing all the pins connected to this signal

    SPArray pins();


    Returns an SPArray object containing a DWPin object for each pin attached to this signal


    WARNING: This array becomes invalid if any subsequent script commands cause elements to be added or destroyed. Not much checking is done for this and bad things could happen if you aren't careful!

    Property: readOnly

    Returns true if the circuit containing this object is marked "read only". Note that this status primarily affects the user interface and does not prevent script methods from making changes to the circuit.

    bool = readOnly

    Method: remove

    Removes (deletes) the associated signal from its circuit.

    void remove();


    Any subsequent references to this DWSignal object will fail with an exception since the associated circuit signal is gone.

    Method: rotateAttribute

    Rotates the attribute text on the diagram

    void rotateAttribute(fieldName, rotation);

    Name Expected Type Description
    fieldName String The name of the field to rotate
    rotation int The absolute orientation or relative rotation desired, in degrees, see comments below. This parameter is optional and defaults to -90 (rotate left 90) if not specified


    Method: select

    Sets the associated signal to be selected, as if the user had clicked on it.

    void select();

    void select(show);

    void select(show, deselOthers);

    Name Expected Type Description
    deselOthers bool Pass true to deselect all other circuit objects before selecting this one. Defaults to false.
    show bool Pass true to have the page containing the object opened and scrolled as needed to display it. Defaults to false.

    Method: setAttribute

    Sets an attribute value in this object

    void setAttribute(fieldName, value);

    void setAttribute(fieldName, value, visibility);

    Name Expected Type Description
    value String The new value for the specified field
    fieldName String The name of the field to set
    visibility int How to set visibility of resulting attribute text. 0 (false) = hide, 1 (true) = show, 2 = use default setting in design's attribute table, -1 = leave current visibility If this parameter is not supplied, 2 is assumed.




    If the given field name is not defined in the design's attribute table, it is added automatically. It is preferable to ensure that any fields used are already defined in the target design to make sure the settings are appropriate.

    Method: setAttributeVis

    Sets the visibility of an attribute value in this object

    void setAttributeVis(fieldName, visibility);

    Name Expected Type Description
    fieldName String The name of the field to set
    visibility bool true to make the attribute visible, false to hide it