Keyword Index

Object: DWStatic

  • addDevice - Adds a device to the current circuit
  • callObject - Calls a method of a specified ActiveX object in the current circuit.
  • convertDate - Converts date and time values from the Windows integer format used internally for date stamps and file info to and from the JavaScript date format that can be used to display formatted date and time values.
  • currentCircuit - Returns the currently active circuit.
  • currentDesign - Returns the currently active design, i.e. the design containing the currently active circuit, or returns the open design matching the given file path.
  • currentLibrary - Returns the the library currently selected in the parts palette, or null if no library or all libraries are selected.
  • currentPage - Returns a DWPage object representing the currently active page, or null if none
  • defaultDocDir - Gets or sets the default document directory, i.e. the directory used by Open and Save As operations
  • defaultObject - Returns the object on which this script was invoked, if any.
  • displayScalePercent - Gets the display scaling percentage specified by the user for the Windows system, expressed as an integer. This is typcically 100 or may be 125 or 150 for higher resolution screens.
  • documentIsOpen
  • doObjectPropertiesDialog - Opens a properties dialog and displays the objects properties according to its schema
  • fontDPISetting - Returns an integer representation of the "font size" setting from the system's control panel, or possibly an override value set by the user in the application.
  • getAppVersionInt - Provides the version number of the application that is hosting the script.
  • getAppVersionLong - Provides the version number of the application that is hosting the script.
  • getAppVersionShort - Provides the version number of the application that is hosting the script.
  • getibrary - Get a referemce to a symbol library given its libID
  • getOpenDesigns - Returns a list of all currently open designs SPArray getOpenDesigns(); SPArray getOpenDesigns(filter); #param filter, String, A filter string that is applies when adding items to the list. If the entire file path of a design contains this string (not case sensitive), it is added. If this is not supplied, all designs are included
  • getPrivateCLSID - Returns a string form of the private CLSID associated with the given progID. This allows the caller to connect multiple times to an object in the current instance of the application
  • getScaleFromUnit - Returns a floating-point scale value representing the given unit, e.g. kV return 1000, uF returns 0.000001, etc.
  • libraryList - Returns an SPArray object containing a DWLibrary object for each of the currently open libraries.
  • loadExternalObject
  • loadType - Loads a device type definition from its library given a library ID
  • newDesign - Creates a new, empty design with or without opening it in a visible window.
  • newDocument - Create a new document window within the application given the document type string. Optionally provide data to fill the document with.
  • newSymbol - Creates a new, empty symbol with or without opening it in a visible editor window.
  • newTextDocument - Create a new text document window within the application. Optionally provide data to fill the document with.
  • openDesign - Opens a design file, with or without prompting the user and with or without opening it in a visible window.
  • openDesignDeferred - Opens a design file after the processing of the current script or program operaton has completed.
  • openDocument
  • openLibrary - Opens a symbol library file, or returns a reference to it if the specified file is already open.
  • readIniString - Reads a string value from the application's INI file or state file.
  • requestDesignNotification - Requests that a method in the current script be called when a specified event occurs on this design
  • runExport - Runs an Export script, as if the user had selected the Export command.
  • runExportScriptToString - Accepts the given string as an export script and returns the output it generates as a string value. This is the same as runExportToString except that in this case the actual text of the script is provided instead of the script file name. This version also accepts optional string arguments and a default object to be used in generating the report
  • runExportToString - Runs an Export script and returns the output it generates as a string value. This version also accepts optional string arguments and a default object to be used in generating the report
  • selectLibrary - Displays a box allowing the user to select one of the currently open libraries.
  • setSystemWarning - Add a system warning message that will be displayed in the system warning area on the GUI. The message is available to the user but no immediate dialog box is displayed. This is intennded for situations where it is valuable to provide information for the user to use at their convenience but that do not require interrupting the work flow
  • showControlPanel - Opens a new tab in the dockable status panel and creates an Internet Explorer browser instance in the panel.
  • showCustomPanel - Opens a new tab in the dockable status panel and creates an Internet Explorer browser instance in the panel.
  • uiAddAction - Specify an action to take place in response to application user interface event
  • uiAddControl - Add a control (menu item or toolbar control) to the application user interface
  • uiControlBlink - Starts an automatic timed switching between any number of predefined background states for the given custom control.
  • uiFireDelayedEvent - Fires a user-interface event, that is, causes any actions linked to the event to be executed
  • uiFireEvent - Fires a user-interface event, that is, causes any actions linked to the event to be executed
  • uiGetControlChecked - Gets the checked property of a control in the application user interface
  • uiGetControlEnabled - Gets the enabled property of a control in the application user interface
  • uiGetControlID - Get the integer ID of a control in the application user interface
  • uiGetControlText - Get the text value of a control in the application user interface
  • uiGetControlTitle - Get the text value of a control in the application user interface
  • uiProgressOpenPercent - Opens a percentage progress bar control in the application's status area, with an option text title.
  • uiProgressPercent - Update percentage progress value in progress bar
  • uiProgressText - Displays a status message in the applications progress bar
  • uiRemoveControl - Remove a control (menu item or toolbar control) from the application user interface
  • uiSetApplicationTitle - Sets the text displayed in the application main window title bar
  • uiSetBlocked - Sets the enabled status of all document editing and user interface controls
  • uiSetControlChecked - Sets the checked property of a control in the application user interface
  • uiSetControlEnabled - Sets the enabled property of a control in the application user interface
  • uiSetControlState - Sets the background of the given control to be one of a number of previously defined states
  • uiSetControlText - Set the text of a control in the application user interface
  • uiSetControlTitle - Set the title (label) of a control in the application user interface
  • unrequestDesignNotification - Requests that a previously-requested notification be removed
  • writeStateString - Reads a string value from the application's INI file or state file.
  • Method: addDevice

    Adds a device to the current circuit


    All arguments are identical to DWCircuit.addDevice

    Method: callObject

    Calls a method of a specified ActiveX object in the current circuit.

    void callObject(objName, methodName, ...);

    Name Expected Type Description
    objName String The name of the object to call
    methodName String The name of the object's method to call


    Returns the value returned by the method call


    All following arguments are passed to the method call

    Method: convertDate

    Converts date and time values from the Windows integer format used internally for date stamps and file info to and from the JavaScript date format that can be used to display formatted date and time values.

    int = convertDate(dateObj);

    date = convertDate(intDate);

    Name Expected Type Description
    intDate int An integer representing a date in Windows internal format. This can also be a string representation of an integer
    dateObj Date A JavaScript Date object, created using new Date()


    The internal Windows format used for datestamps on files and devices is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: The date value returned is NOT a JavaScript Date object. To create a JavaScript date object that can be used to extract year/month/day fields, format output, etc. use the expression dateObj = new Date(returnedValue);

    Method: currentCircuit

    Returns the currently active circuit.

    DWCircuit = currentCircuit

    Method: currentDesign

    Returns the currently active design, i.e. the design containing the currently active circuit, or returns the open design matching the given file path.

    DWCircuit = currentDesign

    DWCircuit = currentDesign(path);

    Name Expected Type Description
    path String The file path of a currently open design, or any subset of the file path. If two designs contain the same string, this will return the first one encountered. This is case-insensitive.

    Property: currentLibrary

    Returns the the library currently selected in the parts palette, or null if no library or all libraries are selected.

    DWLibrary = currentLibrary

    Method: currentPage

    Returns a DWPage object representing the currently active page, or null if none

    DWPage = currentPage

    Property: defaultDocDir

    Gets or sets the default document directory, i.e. the directory used by Open and Save As operations

    defaultDocDir = String

    String = defaultDocDir

    Property: defaultObject

    Returns the object on which this script was invoked, if any.

    DWObject = defaultObject

    defaultObject = DWObject


    The type of object returned depends on the type of object selected in the circuit and could be one of DWCircuit, DWDevice, DWSignal, or DWPin


    This is only set if the script was invoked as a result of a command on a single selected circuit object and will return null otherwise. This property can be set directly for the purpose of mimicking a call by the system when invoking another script.

    Property: displayScalePercent

    Gets the display scaling percentage specified by the user for the Windows system, expressed as an integer. This is typcically 100 or may be 125 or 150 for higher resolution screens.

    int displayScalePercent();


    Read only

    Property: documentIsOpen

    bool documentIsOpen(path);

    Name Expected Type Description
    path String The full file path to the desired document file.


    No directory search is applied to this file so the full path must match the path to the open document in order to be found.

    Method: doObjectPropertiesDialog

    Opens a properties dialog and displays the objects properties according to its schema

    bool = doObjectPropertiesDialog(object);

    Name Expected Type Description
    object Object The object whose properties will be displayed


    Returns true if the call is successful, false otherwise.

    Method: fontDPISetting

    Returns an integer representation of the "font size" setting from the system's control panel, or possibly an override value set by the user in the application.

    int fontDPISetting();


    Returns 100 for normal font size, or (typically) 125, 150 or 200 for larger percentage size settings

    Method: getAppVersionInt

    Provides the version number of the application that is hosting the script.

    Integer = getAppVersionInt


    Returns an integer specifying the version number. See below for more details.


    The integer format is intended for internal use within a script to determine whether data was created using an earlier or later version of the software. The integer format is:

     (major version # * 16384) + (minor version # * 4096) + (increment # * 256) + (release type * 16) -- 1 = development, 2 = alpha, 3 = beta, 4 = release + step # 

    For example, the version 3.2b3 would give 57395. If any part of the version number is not given in the usual written form, it is assumed to be zero. This numbering scheme ensures that the integer value always increases for later versions.

    Method: getAppVersionLong

    Provides the version number of the application that is hosting the script.

    String = getAppVersionLong


    Returns a string specifying the version number. See below for more details.


    This method returns a string specifying the application name and version number in a human-readable form, for example DesignWorks version 3.2.4b1

    Method: getAppVersionShort

    Provides the version number of the application that is hosting the script.

    String = getAppVersionShort


    Returns a string specifying the version number. See below for more details.


    This method returns a string specifying the application name and version number in an abbreviated form, for example DW3.2.4b1

    Method: getibrary

    Get a referemce to a symbol library given its libID

    DWLibrary = getibrary(libID);

    Name Expected Type Description
    libID int Integer handle to the library


    Returns a library object, or null if the libID does not refer to a library

    Method: getOpenDesigns

    Returns a list of all currently open designs SPArray getOpenDesigns(); SPArray getOpenDesigns(filter); #param filter, String, A filter string that is applies when adding items to the list. If the entire file path of a design contains this string (not case sensitive), it is added. If this is not supplied, all designs are included


    Returns an SPArray containing a DWCircuit object for each open (user-visible) design

    Method: getPrivateCLSID

    Returns a string form of the private CLSID associated with the given progID. This allows the caller to connect multiple times to an object in the current instance of the application

    String getPrivateCLSID(progID);

    Name Expected Type Description
    progID string The human-readable program ID associated with the object


    Returns a string form of the CLSID in the format {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} or null if the progID was not found

    Method: getScaleFromUnit

    Returns a floating-point scale value representing the given unit, e.g. kV return 1000, uF returns 0.000001, etc.

    double = getScaleFromUnit(unit);

    Name Expected Type Description
    unit String A string representing the units

    Method: libraryList

    Returns an SPArray object containing a DWLibrary object for each of the currently open libraries.

    SPArray = libraryList

    SPArray = libraryList(excludeReadOnly);

    Name Expected Type Description
    excludeReadOnly bool TRUE to list only libraries that are writeable, defaults to false.

    Method: loadExternalObject

    object loadExternalObject(id);

    object loadExternalObject(id, want64Bit);

    object loadExternalObject(id, want64Bit, quiet);

    Name Expected Type Description
    quiet bool True to disable all errors boxes, true to display an error box for any errors that occur, defaults to true
    want64Bit bool True to attempt to load a 64-bit server, false for 32-bit, defaults to false
    id String The Program ID (progID) or Class ID (CLSID) of the server


    Returns a reference to the loaded object or null if any error

    Method: loadType

    Loads a device type definition from its library given a library ID

    DWType loadType(libID);

    DWType loadType(libID, displayOnly);

    Name Expected Type Description
    libID int An integer handle to the type, which specifies the library and the type within the library
    displayOnly bool If true, the caller is going to use this object only to display information about the type and will not give the user access to use it in a design, i.e. it can bypass protection


    A DWType object if successful, or null if unsuccessful.

    Method: newDesign

    Creates a new, empty design with or without opening it in a visible window.

    DWCircuit = newDesign

    DWCircuit = newDesign(visible);

    Name Expected Type Description
    visible bool true to open the design in a visible window, false to open it as and internal structure only, invisible to the user. Defaults to true.


    Returns a DWCircuit object for the design or null if the operation failed.


    This creates a new, empty design with default settings, without referring to any template.

    Method: newDocument

    Create a new document window within the application given the document type string. Optionally provide data to fill the document with.

    bool = newDocument(docType);

    bool = newDocument(docType, data);

    bool = newDocument(docType, data, path);

    bool = newDocument(docType, data, path, object);

    Name Expected Type Description
    docType String A string that uniquely identifies a document type. This is the name that is used in the system registry to register the type, or any unique subset of the name. Not case sensitive.
    object object The object (normally a DWDevice) that will be the parent object for this new document. Default is null.
    path String Location to save the new document file. If not specified, the document is opened but not saved.
    data String Data used to fill the new document. The format and meaning of the data depend on the document type.


    Returns true if the document opened successfully, false otherwise

    Method: newSymbol

    Creates a new, empty symbol with or without opening it in a visible editor window.

    void newSymbol();

    void newSymbol(visible);

    void newSymbol(typeName);

    void newSymbol(typeName, visible);

    Name Expected Type Description
    typeName String the initial name of the symbol, can be changed by the user if the editor is opened in a visible window
    visible bool true to open the symbol in a visible editor window, false to open it as and internal editor only, invisible to the user. Defaults to true.

    Method: newTextDocument

    Create a new text document window within the application. Optionally provide data to fill the document with.

    bool = newTextDocument

    bool = newTextDocument(data);

    Name Expected Type Description
    data String Text data used to fill the new document


    Returns true if the document opened successfully, false otherwise

    Method: openDesign

    Opens a design file, with or without prompting the user and with or without opening it in a visible window.

    DWCircuit = openDesign

    DWCircuit = openDesign(visible);

    DWCircuit = openDesign(filePath);

    DWCircuit = openDesign(filePath, visible);

    Name Expected Type Description
    filePath String The complete file path of the design file to open
    visible bool true to open the design in a visible window, false to open it as and internal structure only, invisible to the user. Defaults to true.


    Returns a DWCircuit object for the design or null if the open failed.


    If no argument is provided, this is equivalent to selecting the Open Design command.

    Method: openDesignDeferred

    Opens a design file after the processing of the current script or program operaton has completed.

    void openDesignDeferred();

    void openDesignDeferred(filePath);

    Name Expected Type Description
    filePath String The complete file path of the design file to open




    This method is similar to openDesign except that the open operation is deferred until the program is idle, i.e. this script has completed execution and the user operation that invoked it has completed. This is intended specifically for use in scripts that may be invoked by a user menu command like "Open Design" where opening another design during the process may cause recursion or other confusing results.

    There is no return value because the operation has not been completed yet when this method returns

    Property: openDocument

    bool openDocument(path);

    Name Expected Type Description
    path String The full file path to the desired document file.


    No directory search is applied to this file so the full path must match the path to the open document in order to be found.

    Method: openLibrary

    Opens a symbol library file, or returns a reference to it if the specified file is already open.

    DWLibrary = openLibrary(file);

    DWLibrary = openLibrary(file, visible);

    Name Expected Type Description
    file String The file name of the symbol library. This can be a full path or a partial path relative to the program location.
    visible bool TRUE to make the library visible to the user (i.e. it appears in the parts palette), false to keep it hidden, defaults to TRUE.

    Method: readIniString

    Reads a string value from the application's INI file or state file.

    String = readIniString(section, name);

    String = readIniString(section, name, readState);

    Name Expected Type Description
    section String The INI section name
    name String The INI keyword
    readState bool Pass true to read the state file instead of the INI file. Defaults to false if not specified.


    Returns the value of the string, or NULL if no such entry is found.


    Two INI files are stored in the application's program folder. The file appName.INI is the initialization file that contains fixed settings and can be modified by the user. The "state" file appNameState.INI uses the same general format, but is written and read by the application to save program settings between sessions.

    Method: requestDesignNotification

    Requests that a method in the current script be called when a specified event occurs on this design

    void requestDesignNotification(scriptObject, name1, ...);

    Name Expected Type Description
    name1 String The name of the notification desired. The script must contain a method with exactly this name. This method will be called with a single argument, the DWCircuit object for this design. See below for possible notification names.
    scriptObject String An object containing the script methods to call. In practice, this is usually the top level "document" object in an HTML page


    onDesignOpenInvoked if any design is opened
    onDesignCloseInvoked if any design is closed
    onDesignSelectInvoked when any change in page activation for any design occurs
    onDesignNameChangeInvoked when any design's name is changed
    onDesignStructChangeInvoked when any structural circuit change occurs in any design
    onObjectSelectChangeInvoked when the selected status of any object in the circuit occurs in any design

    Method: runExport

    Runs an Export script, as if the user had selected the Export command.

    bool = runExport(filePath);

    bool = runExport(filePath, open);

    bool = runExport(filePath, open, arg1, ...);

    Name Expected Type Description
    filePath String A relative or absolute path to the script file. If a relative path is given, the usual rules are applied to locate it.
    open bool true to open the resulting text output file in the built-in text editor after the operation completes. Defaults to false.
    arg1 String an optional argument string passed to the export script. You can pass any number of these optional arguments and they are available within the export script using the notation &ARG1, &ARG2, etc.


    Returns false if the script file cannot be located, true otherwise.

    Method: runExportScriptToString

    Accepts the given string as an export script and returns the output it generates as a string value. This is the same as runExportToString except that in this case the actual text of the script is provided instead of the script file name. This version also accepts optional string arguments and a default object to be used in generating the report

    String = runExportScriptToString(scriptText);

    String = runExportScriptToString(scriptText, object);

    String = runExportScriptToString(scriptText, object, arg1, ...);

    Name Expected Type Description
    arg1 String An optional argument to pass to the report script. Any number of these can be passed. They are accessible in the script at &ARG1, &ARG2, etc.
    object DWObject A circuit object or null. This can be a circuit, signal, device or pin object and will be the "default object" for the report, i.e. the object referred to in the top-level context of the script commands. Defaults to null.
    scriptText String Contains the text of the script to run.


    Returns null if the script file cannot be located, otherwise it returns the text output generated by the report.


    The result generated is very is the default output from the script, assuming no output file is opened. The script can still elect to explicitly open an output file and write data to the file. That data will not be included in this result.

    The return value is limited in length to 10MB as the report generator must guess in advance how big a buffer to allocate for output.

    Method: runExportToString

    Runs an Export script and returns the output it generates as a string value. This version also accepts optional string arguments and a default object to be used in generating the report

    String = runExportToString(filePath);

    String = runExportToString(filePath, object);

    String = runExportToString(filePath, object, arg1, ...);

    Name Expected Type Description
    filePath String A relative or absolute path to the script file. If a relative path is given, the usual rules are applied to locate it.
    arg1 String An optional argument to pass to the report script. Any number of these can be passed. They are accessible in the script at &ARG1, &ARG2, etc.
    object DWObject A circuit object or null. This can be a circuit, signal, device or pin object and will be the "default object" for the report, i.e. the object referred to in the top-level context of the script commands. Defaults to null.


    Returns null if the script file cannot be located, otherwise it returns the text output generated by the report.


    The result generated is very is the default output from the script, assuming no output file is opened. The script can still elect to explicitly open an output file and write data to the file. That data will not be included in this result.

    The return value is limited in length to 10MB as the report generator must guess in advance how big a buffer to allocate for output.

    Method: selectLibrary

    Displays a box allowing the user to select one of the currently open libraries.

    DWLibrary = selectLibrary

    DWLibrary = selectLibrary(excludeReadOnly);

    Name Expected Type Description
    excludeReadOnly bool TRUE to list only libraries that are writeable, defaults to false.


    Returns a DWLibrary object for the selected library, or null if the user cancels

    Method: setSystemWarning

    Add a system warning message that will be displayed in the system warning area on the GUI. The message is available to the user but no immediate dialog box is displayed. This is intennded for situations where it is valuable to provide information for the user to use at their convenience but that do not require interrupting the work flow

    void setSystemWarning(title);

    void setSystemWarning(level, title);

    void setSystemWarning(source, title);

    void setSystemWarning(level, source, title);

    void setSystemWarning(source, title, description);

    void setSystemWarning(level, source, title, description);

    Name Expected Type Description
    description String An optional, longer description of the warning. This may contain additional details about the issue and is displayed only if the user asks for more information
    title String The warning title. This should be a short string summarizing the warning and is displayed in the warning list
    source String The source module. This should be a single word or very short title for the subsystem creating the error. This is intended to allow the user to locate the source of the problem
    level int The severity level of the error, 0 = information only, 1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high. This is used to display a warning icon to the user and should suggest the urgency of any required action. Default is 0

    Method: showControlPanel

    Opens a new tab in the dockable status panel and creates an Internet Explorer browser instance in the panel.

    bool = showControlPanel(clsid, title);

    bool = showControlPanel(clsid, title, alias);

    bool = showControlPanel(clsid, title, alias, filePath);

    Name Expected Type Description
    filePath String A file path specifying the location of the ActiveX control (.ocx) file. If this is specified, then the control file is loaded directly from this location and the location is not determined from the system registry. In this case, it is not required for the control to be listed in the registr. Note: In order for the control to be initialized correctly, it must register itself in memory using the system call CoRegisterClassObject upon loading. Note also that the CLSID is still required in order to initialize the control.
    title String The title to display in the window tab. This should be short!
    clsid String The class id of the control, can be either a program ID of the form program.object (if this is registered in the system registry) or a raw GUID of the form {xxx-xxx-xxx}
    alias String An internal name for the window. If this is specified, subsequent opens using the same alias will use the same window instead of opening a new one. This name is not visible to the user


    Returns true if the call is successful, false otherwise.


    NOTE: Due to the way window and control creation is queued by the system, the control will not be created until some time after the call is completed. This method returning true indicates only that the request was queued successfully.

    Method: showCustomPanel

    Opens a new tab in the dockable status panel and creates an Internet Explorer browser instance in the panel.

    bool = showCustomPanel(url, title);

    bool = showCustomPanel(url, title, alias);

    bool = showCustomPanel(url, title, alias, object);

    Name Expected Type Description
    title String The title to display in the window tab. This should be short!
    url String The URL (web address or full file path) of the resource to display in the browser
    object Object An object that will be passed as the second argument to the onopen method in the document page. NOTE: If the page keeps a global reference to this object (i.e. outside the scope of the onopen method) then it should set this reference to null when the page exits or it is no longer needed.
    alias String An internal name for the window. If this is specified, subsequent opens using the same alias will use the same window instead of opening a new one.


    Returns true if the call is successful, false otherwise.


    NOTE: Due to the way window and browser creation is queued by the system, the browser will not be created and navigated to the given URL until some time after the call is completed. This method returning true indicates only that the request was queued successfully.

    Method: uiAddAction

    Specify an action to take place in response to application user interface event

    void uiAddAction(event, action);

    void uiAddAction(event, action, args, ...);

    Name Expected Type Description
    event String Specifies the script to run, file to open or event to fire. See system documentation on custom menus for more information.
    action String Specifies the script to run, file to open or event to fire. See system documentation on custom menus for more information.
    args Object A value or array of values to be passed to whoever handles the user action. Any number of additional arguments can be passed.


    int, command ID of the event or -1 if any error

    Method: uiAddControl

    Add a control (menu item or toolbar control) to the application user interface

    void uiAddControl(action, ctrlName);

    void uiAddControl(action, site, ctrlName, eventName, statusMsg, iconPath, formatFlags, args, ...);

    Name Expected Type Description
    formatFlags int An optional integer specifying the type and format of the control. If not specified, a simple button is assumed
    eventName String An optional name to be used to refer to this event, e.g. for enabling/disabling controls, etc.
    site String An optional string specifying the location of the item. If not specified or empty, the main toolbar is assumed
    statusMsg String An optional string specifying the message that is displayed in the app status bar when the user hovers over this item
    ctrlName String The hierarchical name of the control to set, i.e. tab\ngroup\nitem or tab\ngroup\nitem\nsubItem
    action String Specifies the script to run, file to open or event to fire. See system documentation on custom menus for more information.
    iconPath String An optional string specifying the location of the tool icon
    args Object A value or array of values to be passed to whoever handles the user action. Any number of additional arguments can be passed.


    int, ID of the control or -1 if any error

    Method: uiControlBlink

    Starts an automatic timed switching between any number of predefined background states for the given custom control.

    void uiControlBlink(ctrlName, stateLo, stateHi, intervalMillis, numReps);

    Name Expected Type Description
    stateHi int The state number of the last background to set. If the given state number is not found, the background is set to its default value
    numReps int The number of times that the entire state sequence will be repeated. If this is <= 0 then the sequence is repeated indefinitely until cancelled. Once the specified number of repetitions has been displayed, the control reverts to its default background
    intervalMillis int The interval between state changes in milliseconds
    stateLo int The state number of the first background to set. If the given state number is not found, the background is set to its default value
    ctrlName String The name of the control to set, usually as defined in the INI file


    This is used to start automatic timed sequencing through a number of background states for a custom control, allowing animated graphical display of progress or different states to the user. The states are predefined for the control, usually in the INI file.

    The sequence starts with the state number given by stateLo and steps sequentially through integer-numbered states to and including stateHi. If any state number is undefined, the default background is used for that state.

    uiSetControlState can be used to cancel blinking.

    Method: uiFireDelayedEvent

    Fires a user-interface event, that is, causes any actions linked to the event to be executed

    void uiFireDelayedEvent(id, delaySecs);

    void uiFireDelayedEvent(eventName, delaySecs);

    void uiFireDelayedEvent(id, delaySecs, arg1, ...);

    void uiFireDelayedEvent(eventName, delaySecs, arg1, ...);

    Name Expected Type Description
    eventName String An event name used to create a control or event
    delaySecs int The delay in seconds until the actions associated with this event are invoked. If this is zero, the actions will be invoked immediately after the application enters the idle state.
    arg1 String An argument to be passed to the event handler. Any number of arguments can be passed. The usage of these arguments depends on the event handler
    id int The event id that was returned when a control or event was created, or can be obtained using uiGetControlID


    Returns any value generated by actions linked to the event

    Method: uiFireEvent

    Fires a user-interface event, that is, causes any actions linked to the event to be executed

    void uiFireEvent(id);

    void uiFireEvent(eventName);

    void uiFireEvent(id, arg1, ...);

    void uiFireEvent(eventName, arg1, ...);

    Name Expected Type Description
    eventName String An event name used to create a control or event
    arg1 String An argument to be passed to the event handler. Any number of arguments can be passed. The usage of these arguments depends on the event handler
    id int The event id that was returned when a control or event was created, or can be obtained using uiGetControlID


    Returns any value generated by actions linked to the event

    Method: uiGetControlChecked

    Gets the checked property of a control in the application user interface

    void uiGetControlChecked(id);

    void uiGetControlChecked(site, ctrlName);

    Name Expected Type Description
    site String An optional string specifying the location of the item. If not specified or empty, the main toolbar is assumed
    ctrlName String The hierarchical name of the control to set, i.e. tab\ngroup\nitem or tab\ngroup\nitem\nsubItem
    id int The control id that was returned when the control was created


    bool, The current value of the checked property for this control

    Method: uiGetControlEnabled

    Gets the enabled property of a control in the application user interface

    void uiGetControlEnabled(id);

    void uiGetControlEnabled(site, ctrlName);

    Name Expected Type Description
    site String An optional string specifying the location of the item. If not specified or empty, the main toolbar is assumed
    ctrlName String The hierarchical name of the control to set, i.e. tab\ngroup\nitem or tab\ngroup\nitem\nsubItem
    id int The control id that was returned when the control was created


    bool, The current value of the enabled property for this control

    Method: uiGetControlID

    Get the integer ID of a control in the application user interface

    void uiGetControlID(ctrlName);

    void uiGetControlID(site, ctrlName);

    Name Expected Type Description
    site String An optional string specifying the location of the item. If not specified or empty, the main toolbar is assumed
    ctrlName String The hierarchical name of the control to set, i.e. tab\ngroup\nitem or tab\ngroup\nitem\nsubItem


    int, ID of the control or -1 if not found

    Method: uiGetControlText

    Get the text value of a control in the application user interface

    String uiGetControlText(ctrlName);

    Name Expected Type Description
    ctrlName String The name of the control to set

    Method: uiGetControlTitle

    Get the text value of a control in the application user interface

    String uiGetControlTitle(ctrlName);

    Name Expected Type Description
    ctrlName String The name of the control to set

    Method: uiProgressOpenPercent

    Opens a percentage progress bar control in the application's status area, with an option text title.

    void uiProgressOpenPercent();

    void uiProgressOpenPercent(title);

    Name Expected Type Description
    title String optional title to be displayed to the left of the moving bar


    No return value


    It is not necessary to call this method before calling uiProgressPercent unless you want to specify a title. The bar closes automatically when the application is idle, usually after script execution has terminated

    Method: uiProgressPercent

    Update percentage progress value in progress bar

    void uiProgressPercent(value);

    void uiProgressPercent(value, outOf);

    Name Expected Type Description
    value int The current progress value. If outOf is not specified, this will range from 0 for no progress to 100 for complete. If outOf is specified, the value can range from 0 to the value of outOf
    outOf int The maximum progress value. The minimum is always 0. Defaults to 100


    No return value


    If you want to display a text title to the left of the progress bar, call uiProgressOpenPercent before starting the percent progress. If no title is needed, it is not necessary to call uiProgressOpenPercent. The bar closes automatically when the application is idle, usually after script execution has terminated

    Method: uiProgressText

    Displays a status message in the applications progress bar

    void uiProgressText(msg);

    Name Expected Type Description
    msg String The text message to be displayed


    No return value


    The status message is cleared automatically when the program is idle, normally when script execution terminates.

    Method: uiRemoveControl

    Remove a control (menu item or toolbar control) from the application user interface

    void uiRemoveControl(eventID);

    void uiRemoveControl(eventName);

    void uiRemoveControl(site, ctrlName);

    Name Expected Type Description
    eventID int Integer event identifier, returned by other ui methods
    eventName String An optional name to be used to refer to this event, e.g. for enabling/disabling controls, etc.
    site String An optional string specifying the location of the item. If not specified or empty, the main toolbar is assumed
    ctrlName String The hierarchical name of the control to remove, i.e. tab\ngroup\nitem or tab\ngroup\nitem\nsubItem


    int, ID of the control or -1 if any error

    Method: uiSetApplicationTitle

    Sets the text displayed in the application main window title bar

    void uiSetApplicationTitle();

    void uiSetApplicationTitle(text);

    void uiSetApplicationTitle(text, position);

    Name Expected Type Description
    position int 0 => replace the entire title with the given text, 1 => the given text replaces the document path part of the title, 2 => the text replaces the application name part of the title, 3 => the text is appended to the existing title, defaults to 3
    text String The title text to be displayed


    If you use option 0 to set the full title, this will override all other settings until it is cleared. Calling this method with no argument or with an empty text argument resets the title to its default value

    Method: uiSetBlocked

    Sets the enabled status of all document editing and user interface controls

    void uiSetBlocked(block, timeoutMillis);

    Name Expected Type Description
    block Bool true to disable all user interface controls and document editing actions, false to re-enable
    timeoutMillis int A timeout until the user interface is unblocked automatically, in milliseconds. If < 0 or not specified, no automatic unblocking action is taken. Ignored if block is false.


    No return value

    Method: uiSetControlChecked

    Sets the checked property of a control in the application user interface

    void uiSetControlChecked(id, checked);

    void uiSetControlChecked(site, ctrlName, checked);

    Name Expected Type Description
    checked bool The new value for the checked state
    site String An optional string specifying the location of the item. If not specified or empty, the main toolbar is assumed
    ctrlName String The hierarchical name of the control to set, i.e. tab\ngroup\nitem or tab\ngroup\nitem\nsubItem
    id int The control id that was returned when the control was created



    Method: uiSetControlEnabled

    Sets the enabled property of a control in the application user interface

    void uiSetControlEnabled(id, enabled);

    void uiSetControlEnabled(site, ctrlName, enabled);

    Name Expected Type Description
    enabled bool The new value for the enabled state
    site String An optional string specifying the location of the item. If not specified or empty, the main toolbar is assumed
    ctrlName String The hierarchical name of the control to set, i.e. tab\ngroup\nitem or tab\ngroup\nitem\nsubItem
    id int The control id that was returned when the control was created



    Method: uiSetControlState

    Sets the background of the given control to be one of a number of previously defined states

    void uiSetControlState(ctrlName, stateNum);

    Name Expected Type Description
    ctrlName String The name of the control to set, usually as defined in the INI file
    stateNum int The state number of the background to set. If the given state number is not found, the background is set to its original default value


    This is used to select one of a number of background states for a custom control, allowing graphical display of different states to the user. The states are predefined for the control, usually in the INI file.

    NOTE: If uiControlBlink has been used to start a blinking sequence, calling this method will cancel the blinking and revert to the given state background.

    Method: uiSetControlText

    Set the text of a control in the application user interface

    void uiSetControlText(ctrlName, text);

    Name Expected Type Description
    ctrlName String The name of the control to set
    text String The text to apply to the control. If this is omitted, the control text is set to empty

    Method: uiSetControlTitle

    Set the title (label) of a control in the application user interface

    void uiSetControlTitle(ctrlName, title);

    Name Expected Type Description
    title String The text to apply to the control. If this is omitted, the control title is set to empty
    ctrlName String The name of the control to set

    Method: unrequestDesignNotification

    Requests that a previously-requested notification be removed

    void unrequestDesignNotification(scriptObject, name1, ...);

    Name Expected Type Description
    name1 String The name of the notification desired. The script must contain a method with exactly this name. This method will be called with a single argument, the CRCircuit object for this design. See below for possible notification names.
    scriptObject String An object containing the script methods to call. In practice, this is usually the top level "document" object in an HTML page


    The arguments must be exactly the same as for requestDesignNotification

    Method: writeStateString

    Reads a string value from the application's INI file or state file.

    void writeStateString(section, name, value);

    Name Expected Type Description
    value String The new value
    section String The INI section name
    name String The INI keyword




    The "state" file appNameState.INI uses the same general format as the INI file, but is written and read by the application to save program settings between sessions. The file format is very simple and will only accept one-line text values without any control characters in them.