An SPStringMap is a table that allows you to store and look up values based on a string index. It can be used, for example, to keep values associated with names or keep lists of strings to determine when an item already exists in the list.
Method: get
Get the value associated with a key.
var get(keyStr);
Parameters | ||
Name | Expected Type | Description |
keyStr | String | The key to look up. |
Returns the value associated with the given key
Method: getKeyAtIndex
Get the string key at the Nth position from the start of the map. This can be used to enumerate all items in the map.
var getKeyAtIndex(index);
Parameters | ||
Name | Expected Type | Description |
index | int | The index of the desired element, must be in the range 0..length-1 |
Returns the key at the given index
An equivalent way of accessing the keys by index is to use array index notation, e.g. map[index]. This is exactly equivalent to map.getKeyAtIndex(index)
Method: getSortedKeys
Get a sorted array of the keys for all items in the map.
var getSortedKeys();
Returns an SPArray of strings representing all the keys in this string map in sorted order
Method: getValueAtIndex
Get the value at the Nth position from the start of the map. This can be used to enumerate all items in the map.
var getValueAtIndex(index);
Parameters | ||
Name | Expected Type | Description |
index | int | The index of the desired element, must be in the range 0..length-1 |
Returns the value at the given index
Method: length
Returns the number of items in the map
Method: remove
Removes a key and associated value from the map.
void remove(keyStr);
Parameters | ||
Name | Expected Type | Description |
keyStr | String | The key to remove. |
Method: set
Sets a value in the map.
void set(keyStr);
void set(keyStr, value);
Parameters | ||
Name | Expected Type | Description |
value | any | The data to be associated with this key. If this is not specified, the boolean value "true" is stored. |
keyStr | String | The key that will be used to store the value |