An SPXMLFile object provides a general way of reading objects and attributes from an XML file in a simple and structured way. Elements in the file become properties of the file object. E.g.
f = SPXMLFile("file.xml");
topObj = f.TopObj; // Assuming the top-level element in the file is "TopObj"
attr1 = f.TopObj.Attr1; // Gets the value of the Attr1 attribute of TopObj
firstInfo = f.TopObj.Info; // Gets the first element of type Info in the file
infos = f.TopObj.children("Info"); // Gets an array of all sub-objects of TopObj of type Info
NOTE: Tag names are case-sensitive and must be used exactly as they appear in the XML file
Method: addChild
Adds a new child element to this element and returns the new child
SPXMLFile addChild(tagName);
Parameters | ||
Name | Expected Type | Description |
tagName | String | The tag name for the new element, cannot be empty |
Returns the new element
Method: children
Gets an array of the child nodes of this object, possibly filtering the list by various values.
Array children();
Array children(tagName);
Array children(tagName, attrName, attrValue, ...);
Parameters | ||
Name | Expected Type | Description |
attrName | String | The name of an attribute value to compare |
attrValue | Object | This argument can be the exact desired value of the corresponding attribute or a regular expression to match against the found values. Only matching children will be returned. |
tagName | String | If specified, only children of this type will be returned |
Any number of attribute name/value pairs can be provided and they must all match exactly for the child element to be included in the returned set.
Regular expression syntax is described here
Property: dirty
Gets or sets the modified status of the object
bool dirty();
dirty = bool
Method: firstChild
Gets a single child node of the current object with a number of filtering options.
Returns the child node or null if none was found.
This is a short form of (and takes the same arguments as) the children method for cases where a single child node is expected. It is equivalent to the following: c = this.children(args); (c.length > 0) ? c[0] : null;
Method: fullName
Sets or gets the full name, including directory path, of the file.
String fullName();
Returns the full path
void fullName(nameStr);
Sets the file name and path given a complete path name.
fullName = String
Sets the file name and path given a complete path name
String = fullName
Get the full path
Parameters | ||
Name | Expected Type | Description |
nameStr | String | The new path name |
If used as a method with no arguments or a "get" property, this returns the full name, including path, of the file. If used as a method with a string argument or a "set" property, this sets the name associated with this file object. Note that this does not change the name of any file on disk, it only changes the name string of this object. Use rename to rename a file on disk.
If the file is open at the time the name is set, it will be closed.
Method: getAttribute
Sets the value of the given attribute field.
object getAttribute(name);
object getAttribute(name, type);
Parameters | ||
Name | Expected Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the attribute field to get |
type | String | The optional data type that is desired. If not specified, the return value will be string. |
Property: readOnly
Gets the read-only status of the XML file. This property is read only!
bool readOnly();
Method: save
Save the XML structure to the associated file (read from or last saved to)
bool save();
Method: saveAs
Save the XML structure to a specified file
bool saveAs(filePath, prompt);
Parameters | ||
Name | Expected Type | Description |
filePath | String | The full file path of the destination file |
prompt | bool | If a file path is provided and this is false, the save is done with no prompt, if true, tue user is prompted with the given path as the default |
Method: setAttribute
Sets the value of the given attribute field.
void setAttribute(name, value);
Parameters | ||
Name | Expected Type | Description |
value | object | The new value. This will be converted to an appropriate text format in the XML file |
name | String | The name of the attribute field to set |
Property: setAttributeDataType
Sets the data type that will be returned for the given attribute field.
void setAttributeDataType(name, type);
Parameters | ||
Name | Expected Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the attribute field to set |
type | String | The name of the data type to return. The only allowable values are "string", "bool" and "int". |
All data is stored in XML files as strings, so if an XML file is being accessed without any schema, all data will default to a string type. This method allows the call to force a value to be converted to the given type when the field is accessed.
Property: text
Gets the text value of this object, i.e. all text between the
String text();
Returns the text value of the object
Property: xml
Gets the xml text for this object
String xml();