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2 presentations for Secondary Arc:

Secondary arc in hybrid AC DC overhead lines872
This presentation covers a specific issue related to hybrid AC / DC overhead transmission lines: the extinction of the secondary arc current of a faulted DC pole. As a result of a pole-to-ground fault... see more, breaker openings interrupt the short-circuit current. Because of the inductive and capacitive coupling between the AC circuit and the faulted pole, a small AC current (a few 10ths Amps) keeps flowing in the fault. This current is known as the secondary arc current and it may disappear after some time.
Tag(s): AC/DC Lines, Secondary Arc, Sensitivity Analysis, Frequency Scan, Shunt Reactors, High-Speed Earthing Switches

Stability analysis of the CCS power plant769
This work shows the simulations performed using EMTP before and after tuning the PSS of the Coca Codo Sinclair hydro power plant (1500 MW) of the National Interconnected System of Ecuador. Each machin... see moree in the plant is modeled and its control systems (AVR and PSS) are represented by models created by the user and by library models. The results obtained are compared with real signals taken by the Wide Area Monitoring Systems.
In addition, the analyzes performed are shown, from a point of view of the transient stability of the plant, to determine the adjustment of the single-phase reclosing dead time of the San Rafael – El Inga transmission line, at 500 kV, taking into account the secondary arc model of the EMTP library.