Control Devices of TACS

EMTP Software Icon

version 1.0.1 (22.8 KB) by e.rutovic

An EMTP-RV TACS (Transient Analysis Control Systems Library) containing :
- TACS 50 : Frequency meter
- TACS 51 : Relay
- TACS 52 : Level-Switch
- TACS 53 : Delay
- TACS 54 : Pulse delay
- TACS 55 : Digitizer
- TACS 56 : X-Y point list
- TACS 57 : Sequenced switch
- TACS 58: Integrator
- TACS 59 : Derivator
- TACS 60 : Input Selector
- TACS 61 : Input Selector
- TACS 62 : Sample and Track
- TACS 63 : Instantaneous Max/Min
- TACS 64 : Max tracking
- TACS 65 : Accumulator
- TACS 66 : RMS Meter


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Date: 2013-02-26

Tag(s): TACS ,

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