• Transients, stability and load flow in one software



Load-Flow, Stability, and EMT simulations in the same software


years of experience


  happy users  






What is EMTP®?

Electromagnetic transients program (EMTP®) is the reference for EMT simulations and analysis of power systems. With its unique capabilities and accuracy, EMTP® is the industry's fastest, most accurate and most stable software.


EMTP® has a very powerful unbalanced multi-phase load-flow solver capable of solving very large scale transmission and distribution grids, cases with more than 300000 buses can be solved.


EMTP® provides the most accurate, numerically stable, and consistent time-domain EMT simulations.


The electrical network equations are solved using complex phasors. This option can be used in the stand-alone mode or for initializing the time-domain solution. A harmonic steady-state solution can be achieved.


A frequency scan simulation is available with EMTP® to determine the system impedance and to identify any possible resonance frequencies within the system.

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Discover EMTP®'s various simulation options here.


Why Choose EMTP®?

During the time-domain simulations, several challenges can be met.

Here is how EMTP® answers them.

  • user friendly design

    User-friendly GUI

    Easy to use, it has a hierarchical architecture based on subcircuit and it can handle very large grids.

  • completely scriptable

    Completely Scriptable

    Everything that can be done by hand can be automated by scripts!

  • Computational Engine

    Computational Engine

    It significantly improved solution methods for nonlinear models. Easily solve wide range of problems from load-flow to very fast transients.

  • Scopeview: Data Display Analysis


    ScopeView is a data display tool for visualizing and analyzing results of EMTP® simulations.

EMTP® running on a laptop

EMTP® Modules

EMTP® allows you to simulate fast to very fast electromagnetic transients.

Renewables Toolbox

Our toolbox provides detailed and customizable state- of-the-art IBR models, valid for load-flow, harmonic and EMT simulations.

Protection Toolbox

Comprehensive library of protective relays, fuses and protection tools.

Exciters and Governors Library

Our Exciters and Governors Library includes more than 90 standard models for governors, exciters and stabilizers.

Simulink® Toolbox

Simulink DLL allows you to access all EMTP® solution procedures externally and build the most complex models.

PSS®E Import Tool

PSS®E Import Tool allows automatic conversion of PSS®E network models for various EMTP® studies.


LIOV Toolbox

LIOV Toolbox is developed for the calculation of lightning-induced overvoltages on an overhead distribution network.


It provides a powerful environment based on MATLAB® that enables exploration and analysis of results and identification of critical parameters.

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EMT Simulation Models

Engineers simulating computations and city scape
  • co-simulation connectivity


    Easily connects to Simulink® Compatible with FMI standard

  • compatibility with many other tools

    Compatible with


  • infinite Network size

    Unlimited Network size

  • Machine Models

    Advanced machine models and their controls are included in EMTP®

  • Line and Cable Models

    Accurate line and cable models and parameter calculation routines

  • Transformer Models

    Transformer models (saturation of the magnetic core and hysteresis)

  • IBR Models

    A large collection of IBR models - wind turbines and photovoltaics

  • HVDC & FACTS Models

    Fully detailed LLC models and built-in, customizable MMC models

  • Relay Models

    The most detailed protection relay models in the industry.

  • Power Electronics Models

    AC-DC and DC-DC AVM converters are available in EMTP®

  • Control library

    Contains a set of control blocks to build control circuit, i.e. transfer functions, logic, math functions, etc.


The simulation of power systems transients has never been so easy!



Simulation of single-phase fault in an unbalanced 230kV Network Simulation

Example of parametric studies performed using EMTPWorks scripting capabilities (JavaScript)


Parametric studies using EMTP® scripting capabilities(JavaScript)

ScopeView is an advanced tool for visualization and post-processing of data


ScopeView is an advanced tool for visualization and postprocessing of data