EMTP® Toolbox for Simulink®


Import Simulink® models into EMTP® in two clicks



Features & Benefits 

  • Import Simulink® models into EMTP®
  • Fast and easy regardless of the complexity of the model
  • Connection pins automatically created
  • Customized model parameters
  • Optimize the simulation time
  • Confidentiality of the model data


The toolbox allows to import any Simulink® models, regardless of its complexity, into EMTP® designs using two clicks. Minimum intervention from the user is required and the procedure only takes few minutes! 


Using the appropriate Matlab® / Simulink® toolboxes and a compiler, a DLL is automatically created and used by this import tool to create the EMTP® ® model with all the necessary connections (pins). Vectors, complex and real signals can be interfaced with EMTP®. It is also possible to define tunable parameters in the Simulink® model and to assign them in EMTP®. 


This Toolbox streamlines many complex tasks for building and exporting models built in Matlab / Simulink®. 


The Simulink® based models can be rapidly connected to complex EMTP® networks and benefit from the available and unique computational performance and models for large scale power system simulations. 


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Controlled breaker logic developed in Simulink® and exported to EMTP® software

Controlled breaker logic developed in Simulink® and exported to EMTP® 



Capacitor bank switching in EMTP® software. The control breaker logic is imported from Simulink®

Capacitor bank switching in EMTP®. The control breaker logic is imported from Simulink® 




A Matlab licence is not required to use the EMTP® model once the DLLs have been created.       
The DLLs can be exported and provided to other users without any limitation. 


The following Matlab toolboxes are required to create EMTP® models from Simulink models: 


A comprehensive documentation is provided with the Toolbox, but we are available to support and guide the users as much as possible.