Renewables Toolbox

Renewable energy system models for every application​


The Renewable Energy toolbox provides detailed, customizable Inverter Based Resource (IBR) models. These models can be used for various park studies, including : 

  • Load flow and steady-state operation​
  • Fault ride-through (FRT)
  • Reactive power and frequency support​
  • Sub-Synchronous Control Interactions (SSCI)​​
  • Park energization​
  • Collector grid overvoltage (lightning, switching and temporary (TOV) overvoltage)​
  • Park harmonic and flickering studies.​


Features & Benefits 

  • State-of the-art generic models
  • Model content accessible and customizable​
  • Model valid for Load-flow, EMT simulation and harmonic analysis​
  • Models are automatically initialized​
  • Flat start initialization​
  • Use compiled block-diagrams from OEMs​


Renewables Toolbox


The toolbox includes models of:​ 

  • Photovoltaic (PV) (3-phase and single-phase)​​
  • Wind turbines (Full-Converter (FC) and Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG))​
  • Aggregated PV parks and Wind parks
  • WECC PV parks and Wind parks
  • Battery of different sorts: (Li-Ion, Lead-Acid, Ni-Cd, Ni-Mh)

It also includes a three-phase amplifier for quick model aggregation and a Time-Domain Input Impedance scanning device for sub-synchronous control interaction (SSCI) analysis. The models allow you to readily define all the components of the system, such as the number of turbines or PV arrays, their rating, reactive power control at POI, Machine Side Converter (MSC) and Grid Side Converter (GSC) parameters, Coupled/Decoupled Sequence control options, overcurrent protection parameters, crowbar, etc. ​


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The models are completely open allowing users to access and modify their content, which is particularly important for park studies that require the exact replica of the inverter control to be used.​ 

Manufacturer models can be added to this toolbox.​ 

A Time-domain Impedance Scan tool is available and offers a way to efficiently obtain an accurate impedance profile of the inverter-based resource and assess the risk of sub-synchronous control interactions. 

The models from the Renewables toolbox are compatible with all simulation types EMTP ® offers, the load-flow, steady-state, time domain and frequency-scan analysis. The load flow results are used to automatically initialize the plant models for time-domain simulation, allowing to perform flat-start.​​ 

EMTP® software Wind park flat start and fault at 1s

Wind park flat start and fault at 1s 


A comprehensive documentation is provided with the Toolbox, but we are available to support and guide the users as much as possible.