POWERGRID experience with EMTP
EMTP Virtual User Conference 2020 - Umesh Sen - Power Grid
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To meet the increasing power demand, a number of extra high voltage (EHV) transmission lines is being added to the power system network, which enhances the complexity of power system network. It is essential duty of power engineer to fulfill the growing demand ensuring the reliability, stability & security of GRID. Transient simulation tools like EMTP play a vital role to provide the flexibility to power engineer for simulating/studying the various case scenarios which couldn’t be simulate in physical power system. Such tools eventually help power engineer to build a sustainable and secure GRID. In POWERGRID, being a central transmission utility, various studies are being carried out to arrive the technical particular of new transmission system and optimize or fine tuning of existing system. Some of them i.e. Transient Recovery Voltage (TRV) study of 1200kV Transmission network, Smart Power from insulated earth wire of EHV transmission line and 1200kV Transformer Inrush current study are discussed in presentation. 1200kV National Test Station was established & successfully charged along with the transmission line in state of BINA in India. TRV study was carried out for assessment of various test duties of 1200kV Circuit Breaker. Presentation cover the detailed discussion of 1200kV TRV study and a brief about the facilities like HIL, HVDC control Replica setup, STATCOM replica setup available at Powergrid Advanced Research and Technology Centre (PARTeC).