General Discussion

TRV study (out of phase condition)

Submitted by marziabella on Mon, 12/09/2019 - 18:01


I am currently trying to simulate an out of phase condition in the EMTP program for a TRV study. I basically have two buses, a slack bus (voltage source) and a PQ bus (generator). In between there is a transformer and between the transformer and the generator there is a breaker. I am doing a TRV study of the breaker.

Project import and export capabilities of EMTP-RV

Submitted by kristofblatt on Tue, 11/26/2019 - 08:42

Dear Colleagues!

My issue is that I could not have found any specific info about import-export capability of EMTP, indeed EMTP compatibility with other electromagnetic transient simulation programs. (I (consultancy firm) intend to exchange simulation "platform" to EMTP. I wrote here intentionally instead of requiring pricing, specs officially.)
Please inform me about this question.

Support email Down?

Submitted by jyang on Thu, 11/21/2019 - 15:53


I was trying to contact the technical support through  but the system returned error messages saying that delivery attempts were not successful. I wonder if it is just me or it is that there are issues with sending emails to this support email address in general? I tried twice in the past several days and both failed. Please let me know. Thanks.

-Jingfeng Yang

Ener-Phase Solutions

Calgary, AB

Interfacing Fortran code with EMTP-RV

Submitted by sibi.balakrishnan on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 07:04

I have a control code in Fortran for a model that I am using. I have previously interfaced another control code in C++ by compiling those in Visual studio professional to interface with EMTP.

My question is if we have any possibility to interface the Fortran code with EMTP directly? I do not wish to convert all my big code in Fortran to C++ to interface with EMTP. Kindly help.

EMTP-RV error message

Submitted by gangli on Wed, 01/23/2019 - 06:36


     I bult a simple model in the EMTP,but when I start the Simulation, it send out the following  warning message,

Error, Problem near singal  s13

A device attached to this signal is causing a floating network condition or other illegal condition.

Illegal conditions that may occur: switch type device loops, dependent device incompatibility

or ill-assorted conditions caused by some active device constraints


      So I want to know what is the mean of "Floating network or other illegal condition"
