2021 April EMTP® Newsletter

Automatic conversion of PSS®E models to EMTP

The PSS®E Import Tool provides an automatic conversion of PSS®E network models for various EMTP® studies, such as the integration of inverter-based resources, switching transients, and insulation coordination. The PSS®E components supported by the Import Tool include buses, lines, breakers, transformers, loads, and synchronous generators, together with their exciters, governors and power system stabilizers. These components are automatically imported, parametrized, and interconnected in EMTP®.



Automatic conversion of PSS®E models to EMTP®
The PSS®E Import Tool provides an automatic conversion of PSS®E network models for various EMTP® studies, such as the integration of inverter-based resources, switching transients, and insulation coordination. The PSS®E components supported by the Import Tool include buses, lines, breakers, transformers, loads, and synchronous generators, together with their exciters, governors and power system stabilizers. These components are automatically imported, parametrized, and interconnected in EMTP®.
» More information


EMTP® studies for IBR integration at Hydro-Quebec
April 28, 2021 | 11:00 AM (EST)
Hydro-Quebec has been involved in EMTP® development since the 80s and has collaborated with several organizations worldwide through the Development Coordination Group of EMTP® (DCG-EMTP®). Hydro-Quebec was the key player in the EMTP® recoding project that allowed the delivery of the latest generation of the software in 2003. The new EMTP® was developed at IREQ (Hydro-Quebec’s research center) from 1998 to 2003.
Hydro-Quebec was the first organization to simulate its complete transmission grid in EMTP®. Hydro-Quebec was also the first system operator to require that manufacturers of wind turbines provide detailed EMT-type (EMTP®) models for wind park integration studies. This webinar will present:
  • How EMTP® simulations are integrated into Hydro-Quebec’s work process?
  • How EMTP® simulations can complete RMS simulations?
  • Future simulation challenges
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Composite testing of HVDC-connected offshore wind farms
in Great Britain
April 29, 2021 | 11:00 AM (EST)
Transmission connections to offshore wind generation typically consist of multiple technologies supplied by different manufacturers with each tested at the factory, but with limited composite modelling and testing of the combined system control and protection performance.
To start to address these technical challenges, the HVDC Centre with the support of ESO connections team commissioned the COMPOSITE project with RTE International to identify practical guidelines and best practices for composite testing and compliance of complex electricity connections, leveraging the experience we share across multi-vendor and multi-device testing we have delivered.

This joint webcast by HVDC Centre in collaboration with RTE International and EMTP® will describe key findings and lessons learned from the COMPOSITE project, including a demonstration of EMTP® modelling the composite models and their test cases.

- Benjamin Marshall – HVDC Technology Manager, The National HVDC Centre
- Dr. Oluwole Daniel Adeuyi - Simulation Engineer & Offshore Networks Lead, The National HVDC Centre
- Hani Saad - Power system expert engineer, RTE
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HVDC EMTP® modeling, simulation and analysis
10-hour FREE theory videos & 10-hour online labs
This course presents practical and technical information on VSC-HVDC and LLC-HVDC systems based on real projects.
  • Introduction to MMC-HVDC transmission system
  • MMC-HVDC modeling and control
  • Transient behavior - AC and DC faults
  • LCC-HVDC Transmission
  • Overview on EMTP® studies and DC grid system
  • Labs with EMTP® application engineer
  • Register now


    2021 EMTP® User Conference: Call for Speakers
    Aug. 25 to Sep. 10, 2021

    We are pleased to announce the 2021 EMTP® User Conference will be VIRTUAL and accessible WORLDWIDE. The event will take place between August 25th and September 10th, 2021. Three themes will be covered during the conference:
    • Inverted-based resources
    • Stability and Protections
    • Switching and insulation coordination
    Join the conference as a speaker and don’t miss a chance to showcase your work. Register to submit your proposal. Timeline: call for speakers will be opened until May 27th, 2021. Speaker and submission selection will be announced the week of July 6th, 2021.
    Register as speaker


    Use of EMTP® in Transmission Planning Research
    The initiation of inverter-based generation (IBG), has been changing the characteristics of the grid. The addition of non-traditional generation sources gives rise to several grid concerns, such as reduced short-circuit fault current capacity and system inertia as well as ineffective voltage regulation. Because of this – the use of EMT studies has been becoming more common to accommodate “special” studies. This presentation will just highlight a few examples of the use of EMTP® in transmission level planning.
    Transient Recovery Voltage (TRV) analysis in EMTP®
    In this video, we demonstrate how to perform a Transient Recovery Voltage analysis in EMTP®. Overview:
  • Simulation of single-phase-to-ground fault
  • Simulation of terminal three-phase fault
  • Transmission line TRV
  • Transformer-limited faults
  • How to apply IEC 62271-100 and IEEE C37.011 / IEEE C37.06
  • EMTP® tutorial: how to create a simple circuit
    Discover our EMTP® Tutorial on YouTube to get started with the software. Thanks to this video you will learn how to create a simple circuit in 6 steps:
  • Create a new design
  • Drag and drop devices from libraries
  • Change device parameters
  • Connect devices together
  • Rotate devices
  • Verify connections
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    www.emtp.com sales.usa@emtp.com