modeling Power Swing

Submitted by idrees.omer-aziz on Thu, 06/27/2013 - 14:50

Hi everyone, 

I'm a fairly new user with very little EMTP usage experience. 

I would like to know if anyone has modeled Power Swing in EMTP for the purpose of testing the Power Swing blocking function in a relay. I am trying to do the following:

-  generate a power swing condition (1st stable and then OOS) and observe relay behavior. 
-  generate a fault during the power swing and observe the relays ability to differentiate between the power swing and trip only after it recognizes the fault.

I hope I have articulated myself apprpriately. 

Thank you.



You could easly created a power swing in emtp. You have to connected your Synchounous machine with AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator). Some have PSS (Power Stabilizer System).  Up to 20 models of exciters exist but you could use the SEXS (!) model "Simply EX System" in this example. Dont forget, you need a minimum of two machines in your design to observ a power swing! 

C:\Program Files\EMTPWorks 2.5\Examples\ApplicationCases\Transient_Stability\AVR_Governor

Take a look in the observ and control tabs of SM model. For SEX AVR , you need to the following signals with pu units:

- Efss, vd,vq,

- Pe (for your PSS) if not, power swing have more amplitude and less damping.

- Pmss for the governor

- Ef and Pm in the Control tab (with pu units too)


Best regards,

Luc Gérin-Lajoie

Tue, 11/26/2013 - 17:12 Permalink

Hello Aziz,

I forgot to mentioned

- the governor is not essential for power swing, it is require when your have frequency excursion when you lost load or generation; the speed of the rotor have to be in the observe bundle when you "click observe" in the mechanical tab. 

- if you can access to the Exchange section here, I put many AVR, from IEEE standard 421.5

Luc GL

Tue, 11/26/2013 - 19:02 Permalink