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Example of single phase Thyristor Controlled reactor using TACS control devices. This circuit reproduces the TCR case presented in the EMTP Workbook volume 4 chapter 6.
Example of single phase Thyristor Controlled reactor using TACS control devices. This circuit reproduces the TCR case presented in the EMTP Workbook volume 4 chapter 6.
The basic static Var system consists of a static switch in series with an inductor. This is normally called a phase controlled reactor, or Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR). The TCR is in parallel with a fixed capacitor. Together they interface with the power system at some interconnection point. The control circuit of the TCR can be divided into three parts. There is the gate pulse generator (GPG), the heart of the control system, a voltage regulator and an interface to the power systems which could be simply a RMS voltage meter.
The purpose of the gate pulse generator is to provide firing pulses to the thyristors. The regulator calculates the conduction angle, ?, which is passed to the gate pulse generator as a control signal. It is the function of the gate pulse generator to generate the correct firing pulses to achieve the requested conduction angle, ?. In this example the gate pulse generator is modeled using TACS control devices.