MPLOT not working

Submitted by renan.morais.f… on Mon, 10/12/2020 - 22:44

Hi all,

I have a Windows 10 64 bits OS and EMTP4.1 installed and running properly.

I’ve never really used MPLOT but now that I tried, I get the following issue:


It keeps loading for a while but soon It starts ‘not responding’ and then nothing shows up and then it closes.

At first when I tried running it, it requested me to install MATLAB run time 9.3, so I did it and then that happened.

Please if someone could advise me.

Thank you, 



Hi Renan,

This could come from the huge size of your result file. To decrease it, you can save only a part of the points by going, in EMTP, to "Simulation Option"/"Output"/"Fixed/Variable output rate for waveforms".

Best Regards,


Tue, 10/13/2020 - 09:46 Permalink

Hi Steban, thank you for your support. 

I don't think it's a matter of results size since I'm runing a very simple circuit with only one voltage source and some resistors:


Still getting the same: MPLOT starts to open but then it starts not responding and closes, please see image below:

Image 2


PS: ('Não está respondendo' == Not responding).


Please if you can advise me. 

Thank you!

Tue, 10/13/2020 - 17:20 Permalink



I have the same issue as described above. I can not run mplot neither on my scripts nor in the "View scopes with mplot" function. When I'm running it does not provide an error, but I hear an error sound and nothing happens, while I see in the task manager that mplot is not responding. This is the test network that is online in the exchange forum and I have made no changes, so it definitely is not a big file issue. I have reinstalled matlab runtime 2017b as mentioned in the instructions and I still get the same error. You can check the attached images.









Mon, 12/14/2020 - 14:55 Permalink

I have same problem(not responding),and I try to change the environment variable.But, it doesn't work...
Does anyone have other advises for this problem?   

Tue, 10/18/2022 - 09:50 Permalink

Dear Ken,


Do you have Matlab runtime installed (R2017b (9.3))?

Besides that, you can check your anti-virus. It can be blocking MPLOT from starting.

If you require further assistance, send an email to or


Thank you very much for your attention.

Yours sincerely,


Thu, 10/20/2022 - 21:20 Permalink