Generic EMT type Model for Wind Parks
EMTP USA User Conference 2019 - Ulas Karaagac
<p>This presentation managed by Ulas Karaagac from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, show us a Generic EMT-type Model for Wind Parks with Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator type Full Size Converter Wind Turbines. Some presentation of the User Conference are available: Abstract : Utilities are under considerable pressure to increase the share of wind energy resources in their generation fleet. With the increasing share of wind energy resources, the dynamic behavior of power systems will change considerably due to fundamental differences in technologies used for wind and conventional generators. There is very little standardization in the ways to model wind turbines (WTs) and wind parks (WPs) in sharp contrast to conventional power plants. Hence, there is an international interest to deliver generic models (i.e. standardized and publicly available) for WTs and WPs that are able to capture all performance aspects as good as manufacturer-specific models. This research developed an electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation model for full size converter (FSC) WT based WPs that can be used for stability analysis and interconnection studies. The considered topology uses permanent magnet synchronous generator. Although the collector grid and the FSC WTs are represented with their aggregated models, the overall control structure of the WP is preserved. FSC WT and WP control systems include the non-linearities, and necessary transient and protection functions to simulate the accurate transient behavior of WPs.</p>