• 2022 EMTP® Fall User Conference

2022 EMTP® Fall User Conference


The EMTP® Fall User Conference is scheduled for Tuesday, August 30, a hybrid event, and Wednesday, August 31, an online event. The conference will be held in Paris during the CIGRE Session 2022. All on-site speakers will present on Tuesday at the Palais des Congrès de Paris, and all online presenters will participate on Wednesday.

Why should you attend the EMTP® User Conference?

  • Attend high-level technical presentations on power system transients.
  • Share your simulation problems and learn about the latest developments in EMTP® and power system transients in general.
  • Engage in thoughtful discussions with people from the same industry, research center, or university as you.
  • Improve the development path of EMTP® by actively making proposals, giving presentations, and exchanging ideas.

For EMTP users, the conference is FREE. Please add your access code (license number) as a promo code to get 100% discount. The ticket sales have now closed.




On-Site Conference | Paris, France

August 30, 2022

9:00 - 9:30 | Meet & Greet

The EMTP® development team is introduced, along with the program schedule and a brief history on EMTP® . Also, attendees will have the chance to learn about upcoming software developments, provide feedback to developers, request updated modules, features, and discuss EMTP®-related issues.

Information will be released soon.

The step-up transformer of a hydro plant is energized with a ramping voltage (“soft energization”), which is expected to avoid magnetizing currents. On several occasions, high current amplitudes were detected. An EMTP ®modelling of the system, with the PAMSUITE module for parametric studies, shows that high current amplitudes are indeed possible for given initial conditions. Moreover, the probability distribution of the possible energizing current amplitude is computed.

12:00 - 13:30 | Lunch

Information will be released soon.

Information will be released soon

14:50 - 15:20 | Coffee Break

This presentation deals with TRV on circuit-breaker installed in GIS at HV terminals of step-up transformer located in hydro power plant. An overview of standards covering TRV will be given. Modelling of power system components in EMTP® for TRV studies will be shown (generator, power transformer, electric arc model inside circuit breaker, etc.). Results of EMTP® simulations will be presented covering different cases of TRV (for out-of-phase conditions, single-phase to ground and three-phase faults, short-line faults, switching off small capacitive currents, etc.).

 This presentation covers a specific issue related to hybrid AC / DC overhead transmission lines: the extinction of the secondary arc current of a faulted DC pole. As a result of a pole-to-ground fault, breaker openings interrupt the short-circuit current. Because of the inductive and capacitive coupling between the AC circuit and the faulted pole, a small AC current (a few 10ths Amps) keeps flowing in the fault. This current is known as the secondary arc current and it may disappear after some time.

17:00 - 18:00 | Wine & Cheese


Online Conference



August 31, 2022

The EMTP® development team is introduced, along with the program schedule and a brief history on EMTP® . Also, attendees will have the chance to learn about upcoming software developments, provide feedback to developers, request updated modules, features, and discuss EMTP-related issues.

Modern intelligent digital relays embedded with phasor measurement units have facilitated easy access and collection of electrical signals in a microgrid.  In this work, a model for detection, location and isolation of faults in AC microgrids is presented. The real time voltage, frequency and current data are processed via simple formulations to detect the fault. The tripping command is promptly communicated to the incumbent line relays within fault tolerance time, after fault detection. The proposed scheme assures reliable protection in grid connected and islanded mode of operation with added security in case of primary protection failure. Post tripping, the exact location of fault in any distribution line from utility grid is predicted using a fault locator module. This module is designed and developed by gaussian process regression technique. Further, various machine learning techniques used for fault location has been explored and compared to establish the superiority of GPR method over others. Also the features extracted for model training is quite simpler, which imposes less computational burden on central protection computer. An IEEE 15 bus distribution system with synchronous and solar photo voltaic based DG is simulated in EMTP platform to generate the electrical data. Further the required calculations are performed in MATLAB 2020a.

10:20 - 10:40 | Coffee Break

Ferroresonance is an oscillating phenomenon between a non-linear inductance and a capacitor that can results in highly distorted over voltages and overcurrent. Ferroresonance phenomenon occurs when a ferromagnetic core inside an electrical device – primarily a voltage transformer or an unloaded power transformer – operates in the saturated condition, under which inductance has become a non-linear element. In practice, ferro resonance can be triggered even by a temporary introduction of core into saturation, e.g. resulting from switching operations or a change in voltage resulting from an earth fault.

This presentation covers the methodology to arrive at the optimal value of a 765kV EHVAC system. The study examines the behavior of NGR given the variation of different system parameters, such as degree of reactive compensation, line length, fault location, power flow, and bus capacity.

12:00 - 13:00 | Lunch

The study of the damage and protection of systems against EMP weapons is very critical, especially for military purposes. This paper discusses the coupling modes and damage mechanisms of intense electromagnetic pulses (EMP); the interference effect of EMP on ELV systems is simulated and analyzed using EMTP.

This presentation shows a detailed insulation coordination verification using EMTP. It includes an accurate representation of transmission line components considering actual site data such as conductor arrangement, line length, line parameters, insulator details, tower structure and location, tower grounding resistance, and lightning data.

14:20 - 14:40 | Coffee Break

In this presentation the modelling of earth conduction effects on the steady-state and electromagnetic transient (EMT) analysis of aboveground pipelines caused by nearby OHLs is presented by using EMTP.

As part of this presentation, calculations of direct lightning overvoltages are analyzed in a medium-voltage line of such type, equipped with a multi-point grounded shield wire over lossy soil, taking into account the effects of electromagnetic pulses (LEMPs), which are generally ignored when direct strokes are studied.



Le Palais des Congrès de Paris 
2 Pl. de la Prte Maillot 
Paris, France  

Paris map