HVDC-VSC Systems Training

HVDC-VSC Systems Training


The objective of the training is to present a technical hands-on on HVDC-VSC systems.    
It is organized in collaboration with RTE International.

The training covers the following topics:

Introduction to VSC-MMC technology 

Modeling and simulation of HVDC-VSC systems with EMTP®

VSC-MMC station control and protection

Introduction to DC cable technology

HVDC-VSC project specifications

Maintenance of HVDC converters

This course presents practical and technical information on HVDC-VSC systems.    
EMTP® will be used to illustrate concepts and performances of HVDC-VSC systems.

Training structure 

The duration is 5 days.   
The training starts at 9:00 am and ends at 5:00 pm every day.   
Lunch breaks (included in the course fee) are from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm.


Intended audience 

This course is designed for engineers, researchers, and students with a keen interest in HVDC systems.


Computer and temporary EMTP® licenses

Every participant is required to bring their own personal computer. Temporary EMTP® licenses will be provided to participants for the course's duration. 



Day 1: Introduction and HVDC Technology Basics

  • Overview of HVDC technology - evolution, key drivers and challenges
  • HVDC MMC station main equipment description
  • HVDC connection requirements overview & HVDC system applications
  • Basics of Power Electronics in EMT - Introduction to EMTP®


Day 2: Project Management and Specifications of HVDC Projects

  • Basic Design approach
  • Tender Principles
  • Technical Specification
  • Project Execution


Day 3: HVDC Converter Design and EMT Studies

  • Introduction to HV cable technology
  • Cable systems in HVDC projects
  • Installation, operation, maintenance, and monitoring
  • HVDC converter design principles
  • Introduction to HVDC control and architecture
  • General description of VSC controls
  • Specific upper-level and low-level controls for MMC converters


Day 4: HVDC-VSC Design Studies and Convtrol & Protection Aspects

  • HVDC system design studies
  • General overview of converter protection strategy and implementation in real systems
  • HVDC-VSC behaviour during AC fault events
  • DC side transients analysis of typical DC faults
  • Introduction to transients during start-up and shut-down sequences


Day 5: Maintenance of HVDC-VSC systems and integration in AC grids

  • Introduction to the maintenance principles of HVDC-VSC systems
  • Maintenance of HVDC-VSC converter stations, focus on HVDC specifics
  • Introduction to practical experiences using replica
  • Maintenance specifications, spare parts, experiences and recommendations
  • Real Time Simulation Studies Introductions
  • Specific upper-level and low-level controls for MMC converters

General conditions

RTE International conditions apply. The number of participants from each compny is limited to ensure a diversity of participants.


Register now


April 7 - 11, 2025


Discounts for students and academics on request


RTE Campus Transfo

2119 Av. Henri Schneider,   
69330 Jonage, France 


Markus Vor dem Berge,   
Director of Power Electronics Studies, RTE International

Sébastien Dennetière,   
HVDC Expert & Senior Technical Advisor at RTE International

Pierre Rault,   
HVDC Expert at RTE International

Hani Saad,   
Senior HVDC Expert at RTE International

Marco Schudel,   
Power Electronics Engineer

Samy Akkari,   
HVDC Expert