Extra control functions

version 1.0.1 (22.8 KB) by gerinlajoie.luc
Extra control functions, 17 components: Dead band, Friction, QuantizerLess than (for T1 duration and reset at 110% of the level)
- useful for analogical inputLess than (for T1 duration and reset after T2 duration when higher the level)
- useful for numeric inputGreater than (for T1 duration and reset at 90% of the level)
- useful for analogical inputGreater than (for T1 duration and reset after T2 duration when lower the level)
- useful for numeric inputInverse
- time (5points), external resetFrequency meter, with 4 outputs: rate(Hz/s), period(s), deltaF (pu) and F (hz); based on phase C measurementPI with variables low and hi limitsPI with variables Kp and Ki, low and hi limitsLim(du/dt) , rising and falling fixed, Lim(du/dt) , rising and falling variableFour second order filters,