7 Results for the search "gerinlajoie.luc":
Extra control of machines - IEEE AVR
The proposed AVR sub-circuit models consist of a few IEEE 421 standard exciter[1] and Power Systems Stabilizer and governor. Don't forget to click the require observed signals in the SM devi... see morece, see Observe and Mechanical Tabs (vd, vq, if, Pmss, Efss, Omega_1, etc.) In this file, many duos and trios combinations of:
- IEEEX1 (dc1),
- EXST1,
- PSS1A,
- PSS2B,
- PSS4B,
- Q type II (var control)
- TGOV1,
- TGOV5[1]
IEEE Std 421.5, Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models For Power System Stability Studies, 2005
Tag(s): Components
Extra control functions
Extra control functions, 17 components: Dead band, Friction, QuantizerLess than (for T1 duration and reset at 110% of the level)
- useful for analogical inputLess than (for T1 duration and reset... see more after T2 duration when higher the level)
- useful for numeric inputGreater than (for T1 duration and reset at 90% of the level)
- useful for analogical inputGreater than (for T1 duration and reset after T2 duration when lower the level)
- useful for numeric inputInverse
- time (5points), external resetFrequency meter, with 4 outputs: rate(Hz/s), period(s), deltaF (pu) and F (hz); based on phase C measurementPI with variables low and hi limitsPI with variables Kp and Ki, low and hi limitsLim(du/dt) , rising and falling fixed, Lim(du/dt) , rising and falling variableFour second order filters,
Tag(s): Components
A collection of PowerRelay devices
A collection of PowerRelay devices
Distance relay 21,
Synchronizing or synchronism-check device 25,
Instantaneous overcurrent 50 + Ac time overcurrent relay 51,
Frequency relay (ov... see moreer) 81O,
Frequency relay (rate) 81R,
Frequency relay (under) 81U
Plus 6 controlled switch build to connect with theses protection devices.
Tag(s): Protection
Ideal SVC
This component is an ideal SVC (controlled admittance) instead TRC and TSC. The controlled reactance are design with controlled an inductance and capacitance on each phases.
Vref is calculated wi... see moreth U_ic, the slope and Q_ic.
Tag(s): Components
Pseudo Aleatory Volt/Ampere source
Pseudo Aleatory Volt/Ampere source single and three phases devices. Build with Base Line Wander generator. Useful for Spectrum Analysis
nota bene: ts must be a multiple of dt.
Tag(s): Source