Presentation of an approach based on EMTP for the calculation of lightning induced overvoltages

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A. Xémard, P. Baraton, B. Bressac, N. Qako, J. Mahseredjian, G. Simard, J. Ribeiro, R. Tarafi, A. Zeddam.

LIPS (Lightning Impact on Power Systems) is a toolbox based on EMTP (DCG version) and devoted to the calculation of the failure rate of apparatus due to lightning. This software covers direct and induced lightning. It has been developed in a partnership project between France Telecom, Hydro-Québec and électricité de France. The induced lightning nearby the electrical system. It is based on the following computational steps:
1) For each overhead line and underground cable of the electrical system, two equivalent current sources are calculated in the frequency domain, representing the illumination of the conductors by external electrical field due to lightning. These sources are evaluated in the frequency domain, taking into account the variation of the parameters of lines and cables with frequency. The conductivity of the ground is taken as finite. The modal theory is applied in the case of multi-conductor cable or line.
2) The equivalent sources are converted into time-domain and then included in an EMTP representation of the system allowing a time-domain transient computation. this approach and follow by comparisons between induced overvoltages calculated by LIPS and results from the literature.


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Date: 2012-06-18

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