How to replace a device by another from a library using EMTP JavaScript

Required knowledge:     * How to trigger a script in EMTP

* What are DWDevice, DWCircuit, DWSignal, DWPin, etc in EMTP JavaScript?

This script replaces a device by another device type defined in a EMTP library (.clf).


·         changing converter model from detailed to average value model

·         changing control circuit based on operating model selected

·         changing circuit according to study type, for example: a substation is modeled in detailed for lightning study and replaced automatically by a node device for load-flow analysis.

·         Automatic upgrade of outdated devices with newer version.

//* Description: This script replaces the RLC: R devices by RLC: RL

//** Get the current DWCircuit object. See Help & Support/4 - JavaScript based Scripting in EMTP/DWCircuit for methods and attributes

var cCt = currentCircuit();

//** Get all resistances in the DWCircuit cCt into an array.

//The search is done using the LibType attribute (right click on a DWDevice/Attributes to see all attributes) 

//LibType is a DWDevice attribute which corresponds to the name appearing in the library (see RLC Branches library).

//The libType of resistance is RLC: R

var resistanceDevs = cCt.devices('LibType''RLC: R');  //See Help & Support/4 - JavaScript based Scripting in EMTP/DWCircuit for more filtering options

                                                        //resistanceDevs is an array with one element, because only one device has a libType of 'RLC: R'. 

                                                        //For research by name: cCt.devices('Name', 'R1');


var resistanceDev  = resistanceDevs[0]                  //resistanceDev is the DWDevice of the first element (and only one) of resistanceDevs


parseScriptFile('ReplaceDevFromLib.dwj');       //Parse the definition of the ReplaceDevFromLib function which is used hereafter

var newDevicelib  = 'Libs\\RLC branches.clf';   //Relative directory of the library in the installation folder where the replacement device is located

var newDeviceType = 'RLC: R-L'                  //Resistances are replaced by Resistance and inductance devices 

var CloseLibrary  = false                       //set to true if the library from which to retrieve must be closed after the replacement

//Replace resistanceDev by newDeviceType from the library newDevicelib

ReplaceDevFromLib(newDevicelibnewDeviceTyperesistanceDevCloseLibrary);  //

//** The resistance has been replaced by an resistance and inductance.


Example folder: Click here