DWDevice, DWCircuit, DWSignal, etc refer to JavaScript classes of the EMTP graphical user interface (GUI) which are used for scripting purpose.
DW is the abbreviation of DesignWorks which is the name of the technology the GUI is built with.
· A DWDevice is a device in the GUI, for example, a resistance, a source, a line, etc:
Figure 1: Example of DWDevices in EMTP
· A DWSignal is s signal connecting the pins of the DWDevices together:
Figure 2: Example of DWSignal in EMTP
· A DWCircuit is a circuit, or a subcircuit in EMTP. It contains many DWDevices and DWSignals and have methods (devices(), signals()) to return the DWDevices and DWSignals included in it.
Figure 3: Example of DWCircuit in EMTP
· A DWPin is a pin of a DWDevice in EMTP. It has a very similar structure of a DWSignal. In fact, one of its attributes is a DWSignal
Figure 4: Example of DWPin in EMTP