Impact of Wind & Solar Generation on Negative Sequence and Power Swing Protection

EMTP User Group Meeting 2018 - Portland, USA - Evangelos Farantatos, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

<h6 class="text-black" style="padding-bottom: 30px; padding-top: 30px; text-align: justify;">Speaker: <strong>Evangelos Farantatos</strong>, <em>Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)</em></h6> <p class="text-black">Inverter-based resources have much more complex fault current characteristics compared to conventional synchronous generators. Hence, legacy protective relays set under the assumption of a conventional power system with predominantly synchronous generation, may misoperate under high level of renewables.<br><br> This presentation first investigates the impact of wind generation on the performance of negative-sequence-based protection. In many applications, wind generators are designed to suppress negative sequence current partially or entirely. Negative sequence current suppression control may result in the misoperation of protection schemes whose operation relies on the assumption of negative sequence quantities being present in substantial levels during unbalanced faulted conditions. The impact of wind generation on negative-sequence overcurrent and negative-sequence-based directional elements is investigated in this work.<br> In addition, the impact of renewable resources on the performance of power swing protection is investigated. Case studies with examples of Power Swing Blocking (PSB) and Out-of-Step Tripping (OST) elements misoperation under wind generation will be presented.</p>

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