Electrical model of multi chamber arrester
I need the electrical model of multi-chamber arrester in EMTP-RV
Please guide me about this!
THE reference for power system transients
I need the electrical model of multi-chamber arrester in EMTP-RV
Please guide me about this!
Good day
I am attempting to simulate the response of a wideband cable that is faulted at the receiving end. However, whenever I inject a step pulse into the cable, I do not see any current reflections at the fault switch. I have double-checked the continuity, fault switching times, and signal properties.
The injected pulse is a 50V step wave with a 10ms on time. The fault is an SLG at 0s until infinity. The fault occurs on the C phase while a and b on the cable are grounded so are the sheaths.
Hi there,
I am attempting to connect signals by name in my network but am getting this error/warning:
I am aware that connecting signals by name is normally not recommended, but it is the best way for me to do it as I'm using a script to run 1000+ simulations.
I have a circuit (fig. 1) which I have exported it as FMI (slave), in which only one file is generated with FMU extension.
Hello all.
I am trying to build a custom line model with parameters computed outside of EMTP.
I have a file with the necessary data, as specified in the model documentation. I also made sure to generate the frequency points logarithmically-spaced.
I have installed MCR 2017b, but when I try to change the CONFIGURATION in the main menu of PAMSUITE, it gives me this error: "No EMTP installation was found. Aborting." I have installed EMTP correctly, and it is working without any problem.
Could you please tell me how to solve this problem?
Hello Everyone,
I have been trying to change the device data of "LIOV Options" device using getAttribute() and setAttribute().
I found that the data to be changed are related to ModelData attribute, and it seems to be multidimensional.
Can anyone tell me how to fetch devices inside a sub-circuit based on java scripting?
Currently I am only able to fetch from currentCircuit() like below,
var cct = currentCircuit();
dev1 = cct.devices('Name','PhaseB_Arrester');
dev2 = cct.devices('Name','PhaseA_Arrester');
dev3 = cct.devices('Name','PhaseC_Arrester');
what if I had to fetch 'PhaseB_Arrester', 'PhaseA_Arrester' , and 'PhaseC_Arrester' from a sub-circuit named lets say ' substation'?
Problem to reproduce simulinkDLL examples
When I try to build Simulink DLL, I get the following error.
CRL: "None" cannot be found in the registry.
It is because that the interface is set to "None," and when I choose C++ ISO, it works and generates two folders but gives the following warning.
EMTPInterface.cpp(37) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
EMTPInterface.cpp(39) : warning C4267: 'initializing' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
I am trying to connect to a remote system which has the physical license dongle for EMTP Work V4.1.0.
But it shows an error stating that the hardware key ID is not installed correctly.
Does EMTP prevent working through remote desktop connection ?