July 1, 2021 Newsletter

Press Release - EMTP Alliance and SMA Solar Technology AG

EMTP Alliance and SMA Solar Technology AG are glad to announce their partnership to model SMA manufacturer products in EMTP®. PGSTech’s support with SMA Solar Technology AG will provide a comprehensive portfolio of EMTP® models which can be shared with their customers for studies when Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) models are requested. Henry Gras, of EMTP Alliance says,



Press Release - EMTP Alliance and SMA Solar Technology AG
EMTP Alliance and SMA Solar Technology AG are glad to announce their partnership to model SMA manufacturer products in EMTP®. PGSTech’s support with SMA Solar Technology AG will provide a comprehensive portfolio of EMTP® models which can be shared with their customers for studies when Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) models are requested. Henry Gras, of EMTP Alliance says,
" A partnership with SMA is a great benefit as they are a leader in solar technologies with a strong culture of EMT simulations."

» Read the press release


TRV Analysis
40-min FREE theory videos & 3-hour online labs
Discover this new training on TRV analysis from A to Z completed by 3 hours of online labs with an EMTP® application engineer.
Starts with basic theory and goes through a demonstration of line TRV and transformer limited fault. TRV analysis has never been so easy!

If you need more information, please contact us at sales.usa@emtp.com.
Registration closed


2021 IEEE PES General Meeting
July 26 to 29, 2021

The EMTP® Alliance is sponsoring 2021 IEEE PES General Meeting and will welcome you on their virtual booth if you wish to learn more on EMTP® simulation software.

This year the thematic will be Managing Energy Business During a Pandemic.
Join us from July 26 to 29, 2021!
Join us
2021 EMTP® User Conference
Aug. 25 to Sep. 10, 2021

The 2021 EMTP® User Conference will be VIRTUAL and accessible WORLDWIDE. The event will take place between August 25 and September 10, 2021.

Three themes will be covered during the conference:
  • Inverter-based resources
  • Stability and Protection
  • Switching and insulation coordination
In preparation for the User Conference, in the month ahead, we are accepting pre-registration to the event.

To secure your spot, register now!
Registration is now closed


Voltage Source Converter (VSC) and DC Grid Models
During the CIGRE B4-72 work seven benchmark models were proposed and simulated with all EMT software.
This presentation includes models developed for BM1 and BM4. BM1 is a 500 kV DC Grid with renewable; BM4 was an on shore and off shore system created in B4-57 include three subsystem: point-to-point; bipolar grid 400 kV; and symmetrical monopole 200 kV.

Part of the system is with submarine cable and part with overhead transmission line. The 400-200 kV are interconnected with DC-DC converter. AC-DC and DC-DC converter were modeled in detail using VSC converter of the EMTP® RV library. AC and DC faults were simulated modeling AC and DC breakers.
Grid Import Tool For EMTP® Using CIM CGMES Format
This presentation targets CIM CGMES standard solution to data portability in relation to an EMT-type application. CIM is a format that attempts to be accessible and understandable to all.

The grid import tool allows to import static data from planning tools into EMTP® that is the first step for frequency scan studies and time-domain simulations. Exchanging CIM dynamic data is in progress, some standard control systems have already been successfully imported. Abstract: The need of automation for the exchange of power system information between simulation tools is an increasing one.

There are several methods for creating modeling portability between applications. Using a standard facilitates interoperable exchanges of power system network data between and within organizations and is substantial to become a durable portable method. This presentation targets CIM CGMES standard solution to data portability in relation to an EMT-type application. CIM is a format that attempts to be accessible and understandable to all.
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www.emtp.com sales.usa@emtp.com