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11 Results for the search " function":

See Dynamic Exponential Load

Author: h.gras
Type: Model
Downloaded: 88 times
Date: 2022-10-20

* 1 vote(s)

Dynamic Exponential Load

This device is an implementation of the three-phase exponential load model. The load active power and reactive power vary as function of its voltage amplitude and frequency. This device is implemented... see more

Tag(s): dynamic, load, frequency, exponential, stability,

See Subcircuit creator

Author: e.malaval
Type: Model
Downloaded: 53 times
Date: 2022-01-19

* 0 vote(s)

Subcircuit creator

This script contain a function to create a subcircuit.

Tag(s): script, subcircuit, port

See offsets

Author: e.malaval
Type: Model
Downloaded: 23 times
Date: 2022-01-19

* 0 vote(s)


This device is a linear bloc with two different offsets depending whether input is positive or negative.

Tag(s): offsets, function, hysteresis

See line modification by script (CP multiphase)

Author: e.malaval
Type: Model
Downloaded: 59 times
Date: 2021-11-09

* 0 vote(s)

line modification by script (CP multiphase)

This function changes lenght of CP-multiphase line called "lineName" to the desired length.

Tag(s): CP line, script, length, multiphase

See Overhead line field analysis

Author: Mihajlo
Type: Example
Downloaded: 256 times
Date: 2019-11-15

* 0 vote(s)

Overhead line field analysis

This example shows how to use EMTP and line data function to compute the magnetic and electric field in a vicinity of an overhead power line.

Tag(s): line, electric field, magnetic field

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