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3 Results for the search " length":

See line modification by script (CP multiphase)

Author: e.malaval
Type: Model
Downloaded: 59 times
Date: 2021-11-09

* 0 vote(s)

line modification by script (CP multiphase)

This function changes lenght of CP-multiphase line called "lineName" to the desired length.

Tag(s): CP line, script, length, multiphase

See Indirect-Lightning Performance of Overhead Distribution Networks With Complex Topology

Author: n.sene
Type: Publication
Date: 2015-04-02

* 0 vote(s)

Indirect-Lightning Performance of Overhead Distribution Networks With Complex Topology

The paper deals with the evaluation of the indirect-lightning performance of overhead distribution networks. The novelty of this contribution is that it takes into account the inherent complexity of d... see more

Tag(s): LIOV-EMTP, lightning-induced overvoltages, lightning performance, power quality, distribution systems, overhead power lines.

See Correlation of lightning events and faults in distribution power networks

Author: n.sene
Type: Publication
Date: 2015-04-01

* 2 vote(s)

Correlation of lightning events and faults in distribution power networks

The paper deals with the analysis of the possible correlation between cloud-to-ground lightning discharges and relay operations inferred by using the experimental data obtained means of a measurement ... see more

Tag(s): Lightning protection, lightning-to-fault correlation, lightning location systems, lightning performance of distribution lines, induced overvoltages, a-periodic voltage transient measurement, EMTP.

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