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3 Results for the search " load-flow":

See Dynamic Exponential Load

Author: h.gras
Type: Model
Downloaded: 88 times
Date: 2022-10-20

* 1 vote(s)

Dynamic Exponential Load

This device is an implementation of the three-phase exponential load model. The load active power and reactive power vary as function of its voltage amplitude and frequency. This device is implemented... see more

Tag(s): dynamic, load, frequency, exponential, stability,

See Load-flow voltage violation assessment

Author: h.gras
Type: Example
Downloaded: 202 times
Date: 2019-04-16

* 0 vote(s)

Load-flow voltage violation assessment

This example shows a way to automatically detect voltage violations of the load-flow results.
Users can set low and high limits for each bus (for example 0.95pu-1.05pu).

Tag(s): voltage, violation, load-flow

See Induction machine modeling for distribution system analysis using initialization and time-domain methods

Author: AdminEMTP-RV
Type: Document
Downloaded: 287 times
Date: 2012-06-18

* 1 vote(s)

Induction machine modeling for distribution system analysis using initialization and time-domain methods

Panel session paper to be presented at the IEEE T&D show in New Orleans (Oct. 2005)
Authors: J. Mahseredjian, S. Dennetière, B. Khodabakhchian and A. Xémard
This pap... see more


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