47 Results for the search " EMTP":
Vary parameters, start simulation and export scope waveforms by script
This script is a simple example to learn how to script.
The script is started from the EMTP design by double clicking on the 'Script1' grey button.
The script example:
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- varies a fault resistance
- runs a simulation for each value
- exports results of a selected list of scope in MAT and ASCII formats
- returns Min and Max
Tag(s): script, script, ASCII, MAT, parametric, minimum, maximum
Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter for Low-Frequency AC Transmission – modeling and Simulation in EMTP
Authors: Rafael Castillo-Sierra and Giri Venkataramanan
The transmission of power with AC faces limitations both to the stable operation of the electrical system and to the physical properties of... see more the transmission lines. Therefore, alternatives are being sought to mitigate these problems without the need to build new lines or replace existing ones with new, more powerful ones. In this context, a proven method makes it possible to overcome these problems by reducing the frequency at which power is transmitted. This method is known as Low Frequency AC Transmission (LFAC). In this sense, the model presented in this Research Contribution Prize Program EMTP® 2021 shows the implementation of a low-frequency transmission line in a small power system. The model presented shows a new block in EMTP of the AC/AC converter used, the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter (MMMC) and the controls necessary for its operation. Time domain studies show that the technology is feasible and has the potential to improve the controllability and stability of transmission systems.
Tag(s): AC-AC power conversion, Electromagnetic Transient Studies in EMTP, Low frequency AC transmission, Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter
Fuel cell model documentation
Generic fuel cell model documentation - associated EMTP models available on EMTP exchange platform
Hydrogen storage
Hydrogen storage model file includes:
• Hydrogen storage model documentation
• EMTP file that consists of:
o Two versions of the EMTP high-pressure hydrogen storage models and their... see more validation simulations
o EMTP hydrogen bottle model and its validation simulation
Tag(s): hydrogen storage
Fuel cell model
EMTP generic fuel cell model file that consists of:
o EMTP fuel cell model with all associated subcircuits
o EMTP simulations of fuel cell polarization and P-I curves
o EMTP models for ... see moreAVM and DM boost converter along with simulations of the implemented converter models and a fuel cell stack