43 Results for the search " power":
Indirect-Lightning Performance of Overhead Distribution Networks With Complex Topology
The paper deals with the evaluation of the indirect-lightning performance of overhead distribution networks. The novelty of this contribution is that it takes into account the inherent complexity of d... see moreistribution networks. These networks are indeed characterized by a plurality of lines (main feeder and laterals) and also by the presence of typical power components (e.g., transformers and surge arresters); they consequently differ considerably from the straight line configuration generally adopted in this type of studies.
To accomplish such an evaluation we have extended the general procedure already presented in a previous paper based on the use of the LIOV code along with the Monte Carlo method. The extended procedure combines the advantage of the LIOV-EMTP computer code—that allows the calculation of lightning-induced voltages in complex distribution networks—with a heuristic technique specifically developed and integrated in the Monte Carlo routine in order to reduce the computational effort. The application of the proposed procedure to a set of distribution overhead networks characterized by different topologies, but all of the same length, shows that, in general, the usual single straight-line approach may result into a misestimation of the indirect-lightning performance. The paper also analyzes and discusses the influence of both the line terminations, and the position of the line poles.
Authors: Alberto Borghetti, Senior Member, IEEE, Carlo Alberto Nucci, Fellow, IEEE, and Mario Paolone, Member, IEEE
Tag(s): LIOV-EMTP, lightning-induced overvoltages, lightning performance, power quality, distribution systems, overhead power lines.
Power system islands, autonomous microgrids and relevant instrumentation
Unplanned power system islanding is usually seen as a major risky operating condition and specific countermeasures are applied in order to avoid it. However the capability of voluntary disconnection f... see morerom the external grid and autonomous operation is often a requirement for some industrial power systems and power plants. The panel session at the 2012 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference on
“Power system islands, autonomous microgrids and relevant instrumentation” aims at providing an occasion to exchange ideas and experiences in order to envisage situations in which voluntary power system islanding may be useful and to define the instrumentation required for a reliable operation in islanded conditions. This paper, provided by the organizers, reviews some activities recently carried out on this topic at their institution.
Authors: A. Borghetti, L. Peretto
Tag(s): Power systems islanding, microgrids, measurements.
SITL and HLA Co-simulation Platforms: Tools for Analysis of the Integrated ICT and Electric Power System
Due to the necessity of developing analysis tools in the integrated ICT and power system domain, this paper describes and compares the architecture and configuration of two different ITC-power system ... see moreco-simulation approaches called SITL (System in the Loop) and HLA (High Level Architecture) Co-simulation platforms. Both platforms make use of the communication network simulator OPNET (Optimum Network Performance). As indicated by the names, the former operates in real time, in order to perform SITL simulations, whilst the latter is based on the HLA interface between OPNET and the power network simulation environment EMTP-rv (Electromagnetic Transient Program). We provide several details on their implementation and present their features by means of the results obtained for two test cases. The paper aims at clarifying the type of analysis that can be effectively carried out by using the two different platforms.
Authors: Riccardo Bottura, Davood Babazadeh, Kun Zhu, Alberto Borghetti, Lars Nordström, Carlo Alberto Nucci
EuroCon 2013 • 1-4 July 2013 • Zagreb, Croatia
Tag(s): Co-simulation, OPNET, EMTP, High level architecture, System in the loop, Smart grid, OPAL-RT.
lCT -power Co-simulation Platform for the Analysis of Communication-based Volt/Var Optimization in Distribution Feeders
The paper presents an ICT and power co-simulation platform for the analysis of the voltlvar control and relevant optimization in medium voltage distribution feeders, achieved by means of a system of d... see moreistributed controllers coordinated via a shared band-limited digital communication network. The platform has been built by realizing the interface between two specific simulation environments:
the Electromagnetic Transient Program EMTP-RV and the communication network simulator Opnet Modeller. The preliminary results provide basic indications on the expected performances of the considered communication-based strategies for ditJerent tratlic congestion levels and load/generation dynamic variations.
Authors: Riccardo Bottura, Alberto Borghetti, Fabio Napolitano, Carlo Alberto Nucci
Tag(s): Co-simulation, Networked Control Systems, Power distribution feeders, Voltlvar optimization.
Simulation of the Volt/Var Control in Distribution Feeders by Means of a Networked Multiagent System
The adoption of networked multiagent systems (MAS) has been recently proposed for the solution of the volt/var control (VVC) problem in distribution feeders. However, constraints and limitations due t... see moreo the communication network, to the dynamic behavior of power system components and regulators, as well as to the measurement uncertainties of the adopted sensors need to be specifically analyzed for the design of the MAS. For this purpose, a cosimulation platform has been built by the integration of two simulation tools:
1) the electromagnetic transient program EMTP-rv; and 2) the communication network simulator Riverbed-OPNET Modeler. This paper presents the modeling and simulation of an asynchronous leaderless MAS-based approach that coordinates the reactive power outputs of a set of power compensators equipped with phasor measurement units via a shared band-limited packet-switched digital communication network. The effects of communication network latency and packet loss on the VVC performances are analyzed for two unbalanced IEEE Test feeders equipped with on-load tap changer transformers. The paper compares the results obtained by using a transmission control protocol (TCP) and a user datagram protocol (UDP), for different levels of background traffic (BT) and different packet discard ratios (PDRs) in the communication links.
Authors: Riccardo Bottura, Student Member, IEEE, and Alberto Borghetti, Senior Member, IEEE
Tag(s): Cosimulation, medium voltage distribution feeders, multiagent systems (MAS), networked control systems (NCS), phasor measurement unit (PMU), volt/var control (VVC).