47 Results for the search " EMTP":
Accurate evaluation of the response of overhead distribution lines to lightning electromagnetic pulse (LEMP) represents an important aspects in insulation coordination of distribution network. The imp... see morerovements of the accuracy of such an analysis call for the extension of the field-to-transmission line coupling models from single straight lines to multi-conductor/branched and complex systems. This paper deals with the description of a new interface between the LIOV (Lightning Induced OverVoltage) code and the EMTP-RV software. In particular, the paper illustrates the treatment of the boundary conditions – on which the link with the Augmented Nodal Analysis Technique adopted by the EMTP-RV is based – together with the main aspects related to the numerical integration of the Agrawal and al. LEMP-to-transmission line coupling model adopted in the LIOV code.
The proposed interface aims at improving the simulation capabilities of the previous version of the LIOV-EMTP, namely this new version completely removes the disadvantage of the time-delay associated to the use of a short Bergeron’s line needed to link the LIOV code with the EMTP. Additionally, this new version of the LIOV-EMTP code takes advantages of the Augmented Nodal Analysis Technique implementation in EMTP-RV. Comparison with experimental results is also presented in order to verify the accuracy of the proposed interface.
Authors: A. Borghetti, F. Napolitano, C.A. Nucci, M. Paolone, J. Masheredjian, F. Rachidi
29th Conference on Lightning Protection 23rd – 26th June 2008 Uppsala, Sweden
Analysis of black-startup and islanding capabilities of a combined cycle power plant
The paper presents the analysis of black-startup and islanding capabilities of an 80 MW combined cycle power plant. The analysis is carried out by means of a computer dynamic simulator suitably develo... see moreped in the EMTP-RV simulation environment in order to represent both the power plant and the local network with the relevant loads. The paper describes the main characteristics of the implemented models and presents the analysis of transients due to both energization and islanding manoeuvres. The former simulations aim at verifying the feasibility of the energization of the path from a turbo gas unit, with autonomous black-start capabilities, to the local distribution network loads. The latter simulations allow the analysis of different islanding strategies for rather large levels of power exported to the external transmission network.
Authors: A. Borghetti, C.A. Nucci, M. Paolone, M. Bosetti, G. Ciappi, A. Solari
Tag(s): black-startup, islanding, combined cycle, power plant, energization
Parameters Identification of a Power Plant Model for the Simulation of Islanding Transients
The paper presents a procedure for parameter identification along with its application to the model of a combined cycle power plant that includes the surrounding electrical network, built for the anal... see moreysis of islanding maneuvers transients. The paper illustrates both the power system computer model, implemented within the EMTP-RV simulation environment, and the developed identification procedure based on the interface between the developed model and Matlab. The parameter identification procedure is applied to experimental transient recordings that make reference to a similar power plant.
Authors: A. Borghetti, C.A. Nucci, M. Paolone, M. Bosetti
Tag(s): Islanding, Identification, Power Plant
Correlation of lightning events and faults in distribution power networks
The paper deals with the analysis of the possible correlation between cloud-to-ground lightning discharges and relay operations inferred by using the experimental data obtained means of a measurement ... see moreset-up, installed on an Italian MV distribution network, and a statistical procedure based on the coordinated use of the Italian Lightning Location System (LLS) CESI-SIRF, the monitoring systems of protection manoeuvres and an advanced simulation tool for the calculation of lightning induced overvoltages. The procedure takes into account the uncertainties related to the estimation of lightning stroke location and current amplitude provided by the LLS. The experimental set-up, composed by a distributed monitoring system, is able to measure a-periodic voltage transients characterized by a frequency content up to 4 MHz. Three of these units have been installed in the feeder of a three-phase overhead distribution network with a total length of 21 km. The same feeder is protected with overcurrent and zero-sequence relays whose operations are recorded by a monitoring system with a 10-ms sampling time. The data collected during one year of operation of the experimental set-up have been analyzed together with the data collected by the LLS for a 144 km2 area covering the equipped feeder and its surrounding area, in order to account for all direct and indirect lightning events that may have caused a relay intervention. The data have been also used to test the calculation model. The paper eventually reports the results of the correlation analysis carried out using the mentioned procedure, which is used to evaluate the probability that a specific event, detected by the LLS and time-correlated to relay operation, may have been the cause of a flashover in the network.
Authors: A. Borghetti, F. Napolitano, C.A. Nucci, M. Paolone, M. Bernardi, F. Rachidi, K. Yamabuki
CIGRE 2008 - a joint research project
Tag(s): Lightning protection, lightning-to-fault correlation, lightning location systems, lightning performance of distribution lines, induced overvoltages, a-periodic voltage transient measurement, EMTP.
Monitoring units for the measurement of high frequency voltage transients have been in operation at three different busses of an Italian medium voltage (MV) distribution feeder, mainly composed by ove... see morerhead lines, in March 2007 – August 2008. The feeder is located in a region characterized by a high ground flash density value (4 flashes/km2/yr); many of the recorded voltage transients may be correlated with the lightning events detected for the same region by the Lightning Location System (LLS) CESISIRF. The paper presents some experimental results obtained using the monitoring units and their comparison with computer results obtained using a LIOV-EMTP model of the considered MV feeder. A procedure aimed at achieving the best fit between measurements and calculations, which takes into account the uncertainties associated with LLS data, is also presented.
Authors:A. Borghetti, F. Napolitano, C.A. Nucci, M. Paolone, M. Bernardi, W. Schulz
X International Symposium on Lightning Protection, 9th-13th November, 2009 – Curitiba, Brazil
Tag(s): Lightning, distribution network, LIOV, EMTP