43 Results for the search " power":
MIMO-OFDM Narrowband-PLC in Distribution Systems: Impact of Power Transformers on Achievable Data Rates
Power-line communication (PLC) is gaining a renewed interest, due to the smart grid (SG) emerging communication requirements. Among other communication technologies, PLC is a very efficient and feasib... see morele solution, especially for the extended SG distribution networks. However, it is very challenging to consider both the medium- and low-voltage parts of the distribution network as a whole communication medium, due to the attenuating effects of distribution transformers, limiting PLC applicability. In this paper, data transmission through distribution transformers is investigated by means of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) narrowband power-line communication (NB-PLC) system, utilizing orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) technology. Multi-conductor distribution line and measurement-based transformer models are developed to characterize the MV-LV PLC channel. In addition, OFDM signal processing techniques are applied to enhance the achievable data rates. The transmit power budget and bit allocation across the OFDM sub-channels of the spatial beams are optimized to maximize the data rate through the distribution transformer. The achievable data rates are calculated and systematically analysed for different scenarios to investigate the effects of the distribution lines, connected loads, noise models, etc. Results reveal the superiority of the proposed MIMO design against the traditional SISO systems. In addition, the possibility for an extensive and reliable application of MV-LV PLC communications through distribution transformers is shown.
Tag(s): Distribution lines, distribution transformers, MIMO-OFDM, power-line communication, smart grids
In this paper induced voltages and currents caused by underground cables are calculated in cable sheaths and nearby metallic pipelines. The performance of several simulation methods and models are inv... see moreestigated in steady-state, considering also different implementations in ATP-EMTP, EMTP-RV and PSCAD/EMTDC. The analysis is extended in the simulation of transient overvoltages in cable systems, evaluating the accuracy of two widely used simulation models. The influence of different parameters is investigated, among them specifically the earth properties. Results reveal that implementing accurate earth representations, earth conduction effects have a significant impact on induced voltages at the power frequency, while for high frequency phenomena the influence is minor.
Tag(s): induced voltages
Micro-Grid library
Convenient library to study Micro-grid. Contain:
- a 3-phase inverted with dq0 control (PQ, PV, VF, droop)
- a battery model (Ideal, i-Ion, Lead-Acid, NiMH, NiCD)
- a PV park
- Win... see mored parks
- low pass filter
- on-off delays
- PI controller
If anything, please contact me: Henry - h.gras@powersys-solutions.com
Tag(s): Micro, grid, smart, inverter, dq0, battery, BMS, VSC, filter, delay, trigger, Wind, PV, photovoltaic, park, power, electronics
Fault Current Limiters in Industrial Power Systems
The concept of saturable core fault current limiter (FCL) is relatively known nowadays. It usually consists of two reversely magnetized cores per phase to effectively limit the fault current passively... see more and immediately upon its inception. In this paper prospects of application of fault current limiters in industrial power systems will be considered. Industrial power systems (distribution networks) are widespread and include a number of various electrical appliances. The power systems development (addition of new power plants, interconnections, etc.) may lead to more intense short circuit currents at the fault location. Furthermore, industrial systems may possess on-site generation which can increase fault current levels as well. All these factors might require appropriate upgrades of industrial system electrical equipment (especially switchgear) or special operating procedures (for instance avoiding parallel operation). Another alternative is the installation of fault current limiters. In this light, a series of simulations were carried out in order to observe the impact of fault current limiters on short circuit currents in an industrial power system using the EMTP-RV software program.
Keywords: saturable core fault current limiter (FCL), industrial power system, induction machine, EMTP; fault current analysis, medium voltage
Tag(s): saturable core fault current limiter (FCL), industrial power system, induction machine, EMTP; fault current analysis, medium voltage
Short-Term Scheduling of Active Distribution Systems
The latest distribution management systems tend to incorporate optimization functions for the short-term scheduling of the various energy and control resources available in the network (e.g., embedded... see more generators, reactive power compensators and transformers equipped with on-load tap changers). The short-term scheduling procedure adopted in the paper is composed by two stages: a day-ahead scheduler for the optimization of distributed resources production during the following day, an intra-day scheduler that every 15 minutes adjusts the scheduling in order to take into account the operation requirements and constraints of the distribution network. The intra-day scheduler solves a non-linear multi-objective optimization problem by iteratively applying a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) algorithm. The linearization of the optimization function and the constraints is achieved by the use of sensitivity coefficients obtained from the results of a three phase power flow calculation. The paper shows the application of the proposed approach to a medium-voltage 120 buses network with 10 dispatchable generators and 2 transformers equipped with on-load tap changers.
Authors: A. Borghetti, M. Bosetti, S. Grillo, M. Paolone, F. Silvestro
IEEE Bucharest Power Tech Conference, June 28th - July 2nd, Bucharest, Romania
Tag(s): Distributed generation, operation of distribution networks, MILP.