28 Results for the search "h.gras":
Zero-crossing fault
This example provides a device which is a 3-phase bolted fault.
Once the simulation time has passed faultTime, the first phase voltage
crossing zero triggers the fault on the 3 phases simult... see moreaneously.
Tag(s): zero-crossing, zerocrossing, fault, DC, asymmetry
Ramp limiter
This example contains static and dynamic current limiter (control) devices
Thyristor-Controlled Series Compensation (TCSC)
This is an example of a TCSC which may operate in Capacitive or Inductive mode.
Developers: VP Boopathi, Hossein Ashourian
Tag(s): Thyristor-Controlled Series Compensation, TCSC, EMTP, series, compensation
Electrical Vehicle charger
These example provide model of EV chargers and documentation
Tag(s): EV, charger, charging, station, power electronics
Display short-circuit date on buses
This folder contains scripts which automatically find the short-circuit impedances and currents at all buses with visible names.
These information are displayed in the GUI
Tag(s): short-circuit, impedance, thevenin