43 Results for the search " power":
Co-simulation Platform for the Analysis of Communication-based
The paper presents an ICT and power co-simulation platform for the analysis of the volt/var control and relevant optimization in medium voltage distribution feeders, achieved by means of a system of d... see moreistributed controllers coordinated via a shared band-limited digital communication network. The platform has been built by realizing the interface between two specific simulation environments: the Electromagnetic Transient Program EMTP-RV and the communication network simulator Opnet Modeller. The preliminary results provide basic indications on the expected performances of the considered communication-based strategies for different traffic congestion levels and load/generation dynamic variations.
Tag(s): Co-simulation, Networked Control Systems, Power distribution feeders, Volt/var optimization
SITL and HLA Co-simulation Platforms
Due to the necessity of developing analysis tools in the integrated ICT and power system domain, this paper describes and compares the architecture and configuration of two different ITC-power system ... see moreco-simulation approaches called SITL (System in the Loop) and HLA (High Level Architecture) Co-simulation platforms. Both platforms make use of the communication network simulator OPNET (Optimum Network Performance). As indicated by the names, the former operates in real time, in order to perform SITL simulations, whilst the latter is based on the HLA interface between OPNET and the power network simulation environment EMTP-rv (Electromagnetic Transient Program). We provide several details on their implementation and present their features by means of the results obtained for two test cases. The paper aims at clarifying the type of analysis that can be effectively carried out by using the two different platforms.
Tag(s): Co-simulation, OPNET, EMTP, High level architecture, System in the loop, Smart grid, OPAL-RT
Extra control of machines - IEEE AVR
The proposed AVR sub-circuit models consist of a few IEEE 421 standard exciter[1] and Power Systems Stabilizer and governor. Don't forget to click the require observed signals in the SM devi... see morece, see Observe and Mechanical Tabs (vd, vq, if, Pmss, Efss, Omega_1, etc.) In this file, many duos and trios combinations of:
- IEEEX1 (dc1),
- EXST1,
- PSS1A,
- PSS2B,
- PSS4B,
- Q type II (var control)
- TGOV1,
- TGOV5[1]
IEEE Std 421.5, Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models For Power System Stability Studies, 2005
Tag(s): Components
A collection of PowerRelay devices
A collection of PowerRelay devices
Distance relay 21,
Synchronizing or synchronism-check device 25,
Instantaneous overcurrent 50 + Ac time overcurrent relay 51,
Frequency relay (ov... see moreer) 81O,
Frequency relay (rate) 81R,
Frequency relay (under) 81U
Plus 6 controlled switch build to connect with theses protection devices.
Tag(s): Protection
Simple ferroresonance case. In this case the switching of a part of the network comprised of a cable connected to a no-load transformer is carried out. A pole of the breaker fails to open and an impor... see moretant and stable ferroresonance phenomena appears.
The ferroresonance problem, whether in a general circuit or in a power-system circuit, is usually tackled in one of two ways : circuit configuration (i.e series and/or parallel) or nonlinearities (i.e saturation and hysteresis of transformers). A fundamental factor to the occurence of ferroresonance is the nonlinear magnetizing characteristic of the transformer and the capacitive coupling.
In this case a 250 kVA, 20/0.4 kV transformer is used. This transformer is represented by the hysteresis transformer model. The hysteresis element has been used as the magnetization branch of the one-phase transformer model. A 200 m cable is used for the study. This cable is modelled by a PI-section. The short circuit power of the source is about 150 MVA.
In order to reduce overvoltages caused by ferroresonance, surge arresters are installed. Two questions have emerged : will the arresters mitigate ferroresonance, and will they fail during ferroresonance ? Simulations in different transient regimes can be carried out in order to determine the maximal current, overvoltages (voltage at the end of the cable for instance), energy absorbed by the arresters
Tag(s): Protection