47 Results for the search " EMTP":
Javascript in EMTP: The basics (Part 1)
A basic javascript tutorial for EMTP is presented. A useful self-explanatory case study along with a series of code snippets are presented for better understanding and controlling over EMTP by the Ele... see morectrical engineers. Ask me if you have any queries and suggestions at manzur_bd@yahoo.com
Tag(s): Example
A Tool for Steady-State and Dynamic Analysis of PV Generation in Low Voltage Grids
Dennetière S., Mahseredjian J., Duvauchelle C., Tounsi B.
This paper describes a tool based on EMTP-RV that simulates the steady-state and the dynamic behavior of photovoltaic (PV)... see more units on a low voltage grid. The tool takes into account load and irradiance curves to evaluate the impact of PV units on the voltage profile along the grid as well as the dynamic behavior of PV inverters. This tool has already been used to analyze and explain undesired disconnections of PV units in an existing system.
Induction machine modeling for distribution system analysis using initialization and time-domain methods
Panel session paper to be presented at the IEEE T&D show in New Orleans (Oct. 2005)
Authors: J. Mahseredjian, S. Dennetière, B. Khodabakhchian and A. Xémard
This pap... see moreer is presented as part of an effort by the Distribution System Analysis Subcommittee to establish reference cases for induction machine modeling in distribution system analysis and unbalanced three-phase systems. This panel paper presents analysis results obtained when applying a full time-domain method with load-flow and steady-state initialization. The selected software is EMTP-RV. Problem solution complexities are discussed.
Look what happens without EMTP-RV
This is a nice video about the switching of a shunt reactor (most probably 500 kV) with a Circuit-Switcher.
>A circuit-switcher is a SF6 load-break swith with no fault current breaking cap... see moreability. The load current, in this case around 150 A, is normally interrupted first by the 2 interrupters and then the disconnect will open to isolate the reactor.
What happened in this video:
1 - During the opening, an external flashover occurs on one of the chamber most probably because of the contamination;
2 - The other chamber can not withstand the whole voltage and reignites internally;
3 - The external flashover vanishes because an arc is established inside;
4 - The disconnect opens on the full load current;
5 - The arc burns freely in the air for some 10 seconds until it is self-extinguished or eliminated by a circuit-breaker operation.